Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Paleo Diet: What Will It Do To Your Budget?

When I started the Paleo diet, I seriously had no idea what I was doing. I read a good portion of the book my mother bought me to try and I decided to jump into it.

The first week, I had to sit down and write out a whole week of food before I went grocery shopping. The most fresh produce that we would normally buy was apples and a bag of carrots. How embarrassing is that? Seriously, we were starting from scratch.

As we were filling up the cart at the grocery store, I kept thinking that it was going to be so much money. I was so nervous that this diet was going to be this HUGE investment. Seriously, our cart was full of things that I'd eaten but hadn't really thought about getting. Kiwis...I mean, I like them but, they are hard to see as worth the effort to peel.

Here's the thing, when I get to the grocery store, I go to the produce section and we go to the meats. Sometimes I grab spices if I'm trying something new or almond milk if I'm out. Then I leave.

I'm not buying or even walking passed tons of stuff. I literally skip over most of the store. Most of the things that would normally end up in the cart, don't even get walked passed. The things that are in your cart are full of the nutrients that you need, aren't processed, and are easily digestible. But is it worth the price you pay for them?

Big surprise ending, it costs about the same as a normal week of food.

Yet, it makes you feel so much better when you know it is really good for you.

*An Aside*
In the book, it says not to load up too much on almond flour substituted recipes because almonds do contain a certain amount of fat that you don't want to gorge on. The PRICE of almond flour is what is going to stop you from doing is expensive!!


  1. It's the omega 6 fatty acid you have to worry about in almond flour more than the fat. But yes, the cost is prohibitive... but it lets me have paleo peach cobbler, so it's worth it every once in a while.

    The planning ahead part is what sucks for me, because
    A) I'm not a huge veggie person but being paleo demands it
    B) I never know what I'm going to want to eat for my next meal, never mind tomorrow's or the next day's.

    Do you do a lot with salad?

  2. I do eat a lot of salad. What is weird is that I haven't really repeated any meals yet. I also just do a lot with different seasoned meats and have steamed vegetables. I'm a huge fish person and so I have really enjoyed some of different fish that I can get. But yeah, if I'm in a hurry, I fill a bowl with spinach and then put my leftovers on it. It is my lazy lunch.

  3. I'm gonna have to start seriously thinking about this. I want to see if I can marry drinking healthy juices with the Paleo diet. I mean, they're essentially the same thing--one's solid and the other one is liquid.

  4. YOu could totally do that Andy. That would be a great start to the diet. Start with the fruit cleanse and afterwards only eating other paleo foods.
