Monday, August 8, 2011

Paleo Diet: End of Week Two

The diet stage that I'm at right now lets me decide how many times I want to cheat and eat something that isn't Paleo. I thought it might be fun to tell you which things I cheated and totally snarfed down. Plus, it helps as a food journal. I'm on my hormone meds and they make me want to eat like crazy (But the other meds that I will take in a couple weeks make me feel sick so it evens out).
1) Cheesecake on Tuesday with Aaron when we were on a date
2) 4 Fun Size candy bars from a friend as a "thinking of you" present
3) A "real fruit" smoothie from McDonalds (we were in a hurry and had to grab something quick...I knew it would tide me over till I could get to my salad...which had cheese....arggg...)
4) One chocolate chip cookie at a friend's "after sealing" party (That's right! Only one!)
5) Tomato Soup with cheese and Fritoes (This was to get rid of some food without wasting it. I don't plan on cheating on my diet that much in the future. I mean, Fritoes?)

Things That Have Changed in the Last Week:
*I could only eat about 4 bites of the cheesecake before it was just too much sugar for me. That hasn't happened in 4 years (I was a lot healthier in Thailand).
*The day after the cheesecake, I had a mini break out. I still don't know whether my skin clearing up is a fluke or not, but this is pretty good evidence that the acne has something to do with my diet.
*I've started exercising more and going on walks with the dogs more. I'm loving running around with them. Aaron and I even went on a two hour hike together(It probably wouldn't have been so long if I hadn't insisted on stopping so much for pictures).
*My weight has stayed the same. I was in a more maintenance mode this week instead of a progress mode.
*I went out to eat with Aaron and managed to still eat Paleo! But I sounded like one of those people, "Can I have extra vegetables instead of the rice side? Can you not put too much salt on it?" I hate those people...and now I am that person.
*Aaron made cinnamon rolls on Sunday from the tube and I wasn't even tempted. I enjoyed the way it made the house smell but the thought of all of that sugar icing on top made me sick. I ate an apple.

New Foods:
*Spaghetti Squash - I'm not done experimenting with it. So is edible but not...amazing in my mouth. There is SO MUCH in a spaghetti squash. I thought that it was just a little of it at the very center but No. The whole thing is spaghetti like strings.
*Halibut- Maybe my mother has made it for me at some point but I've never dealt with it. It was a sweeter tender fish and I quite liked it.
*Plum- I've had plums before....but this one was of note. It was AMAZING! I hadn't had a plum in awhile and this one was so juicy and so sweet. Love all the fruit I get to eat!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the acne thing is a fluke either. While I was eating paleo hardcore (plus raw dairy) my acne was almost completely gone. Now that I'm living from day to day on whatever I can find that appeals to me, I have a constant break out going on. I miss the clear skin of paleo, but hopefully I can get back to it in the second trimester.
