Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Paleo Diet: End of Week Three

It has turned into a habit.

They say that it takes three weeks for something to turn into a habit and by jove, I think I've got one.

The first week was awkward since I kept thinking of things that I love and realizing that they aren't part of my diet. Bummer. I also wasn't used to the food that I was eating and it was weird standing in my kitchen completely drawing a blank trying to think of what to eat for lunch. It was kind of miserable but I just told myself, "You aren't going to do this forever, you just need to get through this week."

The second week was better. I cheated more than I cheated the first week which was bad...but kind of good because I got to eat what I wanted.

And this last week just felt like a breeze. It is so easy to look in the fridge and know what we have and say, "Hey, we should have this for lunch" or whip something up really fast for myself for lunch. I love it. I love that it has become second nature.

I kind of felt like a nutritionist or something after we worked on the roof Friday morning. We climbed down and I fixed some onion and spinach scrambled eggs that tasted amazing. The protein would get absorb pretty quickly since we had just been exercising by working on the roof. I knew it would help us recover quicker. At 3, right before we went back on the roof, I made hamburger helper. I know that that is against my diet and we needed something while we worked that had more protein in it and some carbs to sit in our stomach for longer. My plan worked completely and I think we all felt great.

Things I Cheated With:
1) Hamburger Helper
2) Greek salad (It had cheese on top and TONS of dressing...and it came with some little bread)
3)Italian ice with custard
4) Snickerdoodles(2)

Things That Have Changes in the Last Week:
* I realized this week, when I ate the hamburger helper, that carbs really do just sit in your stomach and take forever to digest. Sometimes that is a good thing, like on Friday. But most of the time, I hate that super full feeling that slowly turns into a bloated feeling. It is a wonderful feeling to know that when I put veggies and protein in my body, it is going to be worked on immediately and be used by my body. I don't need to carbo load every single day.
* My body has gotten used to the amount of food that I'm eating now and I've lost the feeling, that I get a couple hours after I eat, that I've famished.
* With all the work on the roof, I'm in the 120's! It is a high number in the 120's but I'm getting my pre-APX weight! I love that!!! I'm getting rid of all the stupid weight that I gained eating Twix for lunch while I was working a sit down job.

It has almost been a month since I started this diet! I'm hoping that some of the changes that have happened, are on the inside of me as well. Wish me luck!


  1. Yeah, APX food sucked. I hear it's better now. I'd never go back if I could avoid it though.

    I can't wait until I actually rejoin the paleo food choices. That full feeling of carbs really does suck.

  2. Thank you so much for posting all this stuff about the Paleo diet. It's really making me want to do it!

    I'm just concerned that it will be too expensive or too hard to make all the food choices/combinations.

    Hey, you should do a blog post about the price of Paleo and the trickiness of it all. Since you're into the third week, I suspect that you would be able to tell us about the price, at least.

    Love ya!

  3. I'm glad you are liking it. I almost didn't post it because I figured that people were probably getting sick of my diet talk. I mean, I don't want to be one of those annoying people that are super pushy about what other people eat. But I've been feeling so good lately and I feel sexier. I love it.
    APX didn't really have a ton of choices for food when I last worked there and I was too lazy to bring stuff. Every break I had, I would eat junk food and soda. I would climb the stairs to try and stay healthier but it wasn't really cutting it. I was planning my wedding and I should have cared more about not gaining weight...it was so gradual that I didn't even realize until I got on a scale or watched an old video of myself. I mean, it's not like I got that big. I'm a "healthy" weight according to my doctor but...I'm pre diabetic so...I probably should stay on this diet for awhile.

  4. Call centers in general are notorious for providing almost only sugar and caffeine. It's easy to get complacent. Alternatively, some people turn into gym-obsessed fitness buffs, and I find them irritating for some reason.

    And keep up the posts on paleo. We're loving it. :)
