All last year, while I was telling a story, I would try to draw it really fast on the white board but sometimes we got off topic because I took too long...but it helped to have visuals to go with the story.
One time, I made a flip book for a story that I thought would be useful to have. It was "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man". But what about all of those stories that I don't want to make to keep forever?
Well, I got some heavy duty paper and I cut out squares and decorated the border.

Then I got it laminated at a place called Utah Idaho Supply/Map World. They had a ton of cool stuff that made me wish that I had my own classroom.

I cut these out and punched holes at the top and VOILA! FLIP BOOK! Then I got vis-a-vis pens so that I can write the story of "Warren" without wasting paper for a story that I only want for a class period.

Now I can tell this story and erase it right after class and draw out the next story that I will need.

Can't wait to try it out this week!
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