Well, I wanted to share that with you!
I've been on the Paleo diet pretty hardcore for 10 days now. Ever since my last period, I've been trying to eat as cleanly as possible so that we have the best chance for getting pregnant. But after going to the Olive Garden and seeing my most favorite dessert of all time, Black Tie Mousse Cake, I was DYING to have something chocolate. I seriously sat in my seat debating whether or not I should just get the cake. Finally I told myself, "Why don't you just go home and look up Paleo desserts and get yourself something nice to eat that won't be cheating." Luckily I had my sister-in-law there to coach me through it too. She has given up sweets for Lent and so she could feel my pain.
Anyway, the recipe that I found was this one.
All you need is a cup of chocolate chips (the darker they are, the less sugar you are ultimately putting into your body).
This brand is a little bit more expensive BUT it doesn't have any dairy (Nestle's has nonfat milk and milk and butter) but this brand just has coco butter which I can have. Also, this brand has less sugar than the others. The darkest chocolate of anyone else still had as much sugar as the semi-sweet of this brand. But for this batch, I grabbed the darkest.
1 cup dark chocolate chips
1 can of coconut milk
dash of cinnamon
No Rum...in mine. Sorry guys.
There are TONS of brands of coconut milk out there. I grabbed the Sun Luck for this one since I wanted to try out "Light" coconut milk.
After it reaches a boil, turn down the heat, pour it into a bowl and stick it in the fridge. I promise you that it will set up if you leave it in there for a couple hours. I didn't think that it would the first time that I made it but I assure you, it will have the same consistency as pudding.
Happy Eating!!
P.S. My goal at the moment is to "eat clean" not to lose weight. If you are trying to lose weight, this isn't an "eat all the time" option.
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