Monday, April 16, 2012

Yard Improvements: Left Side Flower Bed

Oh my goodness! It has been TWO YEARS since Aaron and I put in the first flower bed. read that right. 2 years.

Two years ago, we had my brother come up from Provo and help us put it in. We were thinking that a couple weeks later we would do that other side. But then it got warm, so we said that we would do it when Fall came. But fall came and went and we never really had the time.

Then last summer I wanted to get rid of the railroad ties and Aaron said that we could only do one that summer since we knew we would have to do the roof yeah.
Two whole years and we are finally doing to look symmetrical. We are also going to have to work on getting some more bushes in that flower bed to fill out more.

Please notice in this picture how much lower the left side of the yard is. We were not...aware...of this until we started trying to make the left side even with the right and was going to have to be 4 layers deep to do that instead of 3 layers deep like the right side.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let me recap WHY we need the flower beds. Back in May 2009, we had a home inspector come and look at our house. He said that the front yard sloped toward the house...which is bad for the foundation. The advisement was to build up that area around the house. Also, our porch steps are too high off of the ground and so they need a guard rail to be up to code. Or we could build up around the house.

We are also hoping that it adds a softer look to the front since our house is...pretty rectangular.

Since Aaron is out of work this week, we are using that free time to work on this flower bed!

It was about this point in the process that Aaron realized that we were going to have to make it 4 layers deep...and that he was going to have to do a lot more digging.

I didn't take another progress shot for you guys BUT I want you to know that we got that dug and all of the stones that we had went into the ground to make our four (bottom) layer.

You will probably get more pictures tomorrow of more GET EXCITED!

Also, when Aaron had a job, he would go to sleep at 10:30 every night, which I thought was early. Tonight, he feel asleep at 9:15pm. Poor matter what, he works hard.

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