Friday, August 26, 2011

Paleo Diet: End of the First MONTH!

I did this diet for a full month!! After week one, it really didn't seem that hard. We've had our ups and downs but it has been pretty great. Things that have changed:

*I'm not a huge fan of grains anymore. My body loves the fruits and veggies! It doesn't want to deal with loads of grains.
* I don't miss milk...but I do miss cheese.
* I've become a better cook and I've had fun trying out new recipes and even inventing some of my own.
* I feel sexier and healthier!! I love being more active than I've been recently. I'm not getting old! I need to stop being stationary!
* The biggest thing: I lost 10lbs. No joke. I'm 127lbs. I didn't know that I had that much weight to lose and I can't even tell that I'm any I think that I have more weight to lose. Weird.

I've loved this diet and I can't believe that 3 weeks ago I was saying, "You don't have to do this forever! Just get through this week!"

So if you are thinking about doing the Paleo diet, I would say that you should totally go for it. It is awesome!

I might make myself something yummy to celebrate!

Side Note: I bought some almond flour today (YIKES! So expensive!) and so I might try those pan-crepes again. :) I'll keep you posted.


  1. Congratulations! YOU MADE IT!

    There are a number of primal eaters who ascribe to the Weston Price vision of food, which allows raw dairy. Unfortunately, the nearest Real foods Market (the only place I know of in Utah that sells raw dairy) is in Heber or Orem. But I also know many people find it worth the long drive and bring coolers to keep the milk cool for the hours it takes to get it back home.

  2. That is awesome! I'm glad things are going so well for you. My diet is going well, too.

    I've taken all processed foods out of my diet, and I am sticking to strictly home-made grains with organic flours, goat cheeses, and fruits, nuts, and vegetables!

    Let's see what happens at the end of the first month for me! Wahoo!

  3. It has been such a wonderful experiment for my body! I think that everyone should try it for at least a month and see how they feel.

    I don't enjoy milk that much. It goes back to when my mom thought that I was allergic to milk and I had to drink only soy milk for awhile and I hated it. After that...I didn't really care for milk. I only had it in cereal (can't have that with paleo) and other diary that I loved was cheese and yogurt.
    How long have you done Paleo so far?

  4. Ewwwww, soy milk. I couldn't even do that stuff when I was vegan. I only recommend raw milk because most of us don't get enough good bacteria in our guts, which help immensely with digestion. The yogurt route is supposed to be most effective, but as I sit here struggling to get through a half cup of organic (not raw) yogurt, it's hard to tell anyone else to eat it. =)

    I started trying paleo maybe three months ago. I fell off the wagon at about five weeks pregnant, and I've been trying to climb back ever since. I was successful for maybe a full month, and it cleared up my acne (which I've always felt silly for having, being an adult and all) and helped my energy levels immensely.

    I had hoped it would result in painless (or at least less painful) menstrual cramps, but I never got to find out because we got pregnant. We went three months without birth control before conceiving before, which, while not a long time, I would bet important things that paleo made it happen more quickly this time.

    Hopefully I can finally get back on that wagon soon.
