Since we were all so far away from our families in the United States (or anywhere else we originally hailed from) we had to creative a new family support system in Thailand. Our church became our family. A lot of these people I've known since I was a baby or at least since I was 14. Like this girl, I've known her family since before I can remember. We lived in the same neighborhood when I was 2.

This is a picture of some of the kids who were there yesterday. We are all getting so big, it is hard to believe.

Laura came down with us since I figure she will be part of this group eventually. We all took turns holding the new Nielson baby.

...and started making this face.

Oh...I guess you can only see that I'm smiling more but believe me, I'm smiling because she is finally drifting off.

I had so much fun at the Reunion that I didn't really take that many photos. The moms were running around with their camera so I made them promise to put the pictures of Facebook. I got to see so many awesome people that I haven't seen for such a long time. We talked and laughed and got caught up on each other's business.
After all of the talking some kids got the balloons down and started getting really silly.

I have to say that all in all, it was a pretty awesome Reunion. It was fun to get to see so many of my "family" members and play around with them. I love that we are all pretty good at stalking each other on the internet! See you guys next year! (But hopefully earlier than that.)
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