I think that Heavenly Father has been preparing me to be a mother because all week long, Bambi has been really sick. Like....vomiting every day and my personal favorite, waking me up every two hours to go to the bathroom. She's got the poops. I feel so bad for the little one but...man...I do not appreciate being woken up at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9...o'clock in the morning by a whining dog who "must go out the the bathroom this instant"! Not to mention....we have had to hose her down various times because of the collection of her body "fluids" that are getting on her. Poor dog.
This has been an installment of "The Reinert's Completely Glamorous Life".
Yesterday Aaron and I had scouts! We feel really bad since we have missed three days of scouts this summer. Two, when we were on the Mexico trip and one, when Aaron got unexpectedly called out of the state. But we are probably going to be good for awhile.
Whenever I'm around the boys, I realize that I've gotten so jaded. Once you are older, you start to forget how cool the simpliest things are.
For example, Aaron and I put water in a bucket and told the boys to swing it around their heads and water wouldn't come out. I was thinking, "This is really lame but we have to do it to teach them about centripetal force."

I was totally wrong. It was not really lame. The boys wanted to take turns doing it for 10 minutes. At first, they didn't believe us and they wanted to see Aaron do it first to prove that it wasn't going to fall on them.
Whenever I'm around the boys, I realize that I've gotten so jaded. Once you are older, you start to forget how cool the simpliest things are.
For example, Aaron and I put water in a bucket and told the boys to swing it around their heads and water wouldn't come out. I was thinking, "This is really lame but we have to do it to teach them about centripetal force."
I was totally wrong. It was not really lame. The boys wanted to take turns doing it for 10 minutes. At first, they didn't believe us and they wanted to see Aaron do it first to prove that it wasn't going to fall on them.
It was pretty awesome. We did a couple more experiments after that and for some reason, the boys were fascinated. Love it!
Aaron and I love scouts and we are both super excited for day camp on the 28th. They are going to be tons of fun.
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