On Saturday, Aaron and I went on a hike with our cub scouts! It was so much fun! I love kids. I don't know if I have said that recently but it is very very true. These ten year old boys are so great to be around. Yeah, they are ten year old boys so sometimes we have to yell, "Stay within sight! You are running too far ahead!" but it was pretty great.
We hiked .74 miles before stopping for a snack at our turning back point. There were some breaks before and Aaron and I talked about Leave No Trace and other scout stuff. We got them talking about being responsible on the trails and as teaching moments came up, we took them and used them as breaks. After snacks, Aaron was ready to turn around and head back but I said, "Let's let them look around the area we are in....do a little exploring and let there stomaches settle."
That was a great idea. I picked up a piece of bark and threw it into the stream we were next to, to show them how fast the water was moving because of the rain we have been getting. They loved that and of course, started through bits of wood into the stream. Then they found a bug on a piece of wood and we watched it for awhile. It was the start of some fun "examining" wild life.
On the hike back, every new flower they found, they let us know. One boy found the smallest maple leaf that I've ever seen. Another one found two spider webs with bugs caught in the web.
They even taught me something that I didn't know about lady bugs! Apparently they get their spots as they age. Earning them one by one. I thought that they were born with them.
They tell me that this is a baby.
By the end of the hike, the boys were running around and goofing off and being....10 year old boys. It was awesome. We are actually thinking about doing another one next month since both of the boys were practically begging us. We will see how they feel after day camp in a couple weeks! That should be tons of fun as well!
Aaron and I are so lucky to have TWO callings that have us working with wonderful children.
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