People always told us that the first year is the hardest. At the end of last year, I was thinking, "I don't know what people were talking about. That wasn't bad at all." But at the end of this year I'm thinking, "No wonder people say that! The second year is MUCH better!"
Now I have this feeling that it is just going to get better and better! This next year should be pretty great!
Since Aaron and I had stuff we needed to do this weekend we were too busy to do anything for our anniversary weekend. Aaron and I decided that today we would just hang out and enjoy our little family.
I've not been feeling too great (read: my meds are making me feel like crap) and so Aaron went to church alone today....which is sad for me since I LOVE getting to see my Primary children. They drew me a picture! I will be sure to show you all tomorrow when I take a picture of it. It is precious! One girl told Aaron a bunch of stories about her week and said, "You have to go home and tell this to Sis Reinert! Don't forget!" It is good to feel missed.
We decided to take the dogs to a different dog park later in the evening when I started feeling better. We thought it would be a great family activity and Aaron and I could get out of the house (since we spend SO much time there anyway).
This was the last we saw of Pippen. When we are at a dog park and there are other people/animals to play with, he wants nothing to do with us.
I found Pippen following this family around at one point. He is running to me saying, "It isn't what it looks like! They were trying to get ME to join their family." Whatever.

Pippen is WAY more baby hungry than me...well...toddler hungry. He can't stop himself when he sees one. Side Story: That little girl in the pink was TOTALLY trying to get her dad to let her bring a dead bird home with them!
This is another picture of Pippen with newer and better people.

He didn't come back till he was filthy dirty so he had a pretty good time.
Bambi is a different story. She just wants someone, anyone, to chase her. This is her trying to convince one of the other dogs to chase her.

Once the dogs stop chasing her and want to play something different or go and explore smells, she is right back next to us.

But much like Pippen, Bambi loves a kid to play with and get free pats. When we went to leave, this girl said, "Oh! Does Bambi really have to go home?" ...not if your mom will let you take her...

Aaron's mom called to wish him a happy anniversary so he was on the phone most of the time we were there.

I think that in comparison to the Ogden Dog Park, the South Ogden one is like Disneyland. The dogs got to have so much fun and Aaron and I loved watching them have fun with each other and making new friend. When we were ready to go the dogs were good and tired....which is perfect.

After our lives calm down a little maybe Aaron and I will do something a bit more special for our anniversary...but if we don't, I'm totally counting Mexico as our anniversary.
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