This is going to be our third year in Primary and I'm pretty excited about it. The funny thing is...Aaron is too. He wasn't super confident when we first got this calling but then again, neither was I.
Working at a preschool and being in a lot of child development classes, has helped me look at what I'm doing even more and how I can be more effective.
This past year we worked harder on:
* Making sure we had opening and closing prayers
* Reading scriptures to the children right out of the Bible and Book of Mormon
Today I started doing things that I wanted to do next year to see how they would work.
* Start with a wiggle song (Not Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam...this induces screaming) that ends with arms folded so that we lead right into having a prayer
* Line leaders are picked while we are walking to the next class. This is a clear incentive to walk reverently because for some reason....children will do ANYTHING to be the line leader. So, if you are really good in the hall this week, next week is your turn to be the line leader. We had 6 kids today and they walked extremely well in the hall.
I'm also going to have a reverence chart for each kid next year. I made one on Photoshop.

They get to put stickers on if they are reverent and if they get 10 in a row, they get a new sheet AND a dollar tree prize. That means that they get the chance at 5 treats during the might just be 4...but yeah...we aren't shelling out a ton of money but each week, the kids get to see that they are making progress toward an "awesome" goal!
Feel free to steal this JPG by clicking on the picture and simply dragging and dropping on your desktop.
I like the idea of looking over the last year and seeing potential improvements. I should totally do that!