Friday, April 3, 2015

White Board Town

Years ago, my brother bought this giant piece of white board at home depot.  He needed some of it but not all of it for a project and asked if I wanted some. I used it at the preschool and at Cub Scouts and in Primary.  It was a very versatile board to have.

Yesterday I was trying to think of a way to make Zach roads to drive his cars but also have a good flat surface to build a town with blocks.  Then I remembered this board.  I pulled it out and I drew some roads and a park and a helicopter pad.  Then I built the beginnings of a town.

When Zach woke up from his nap, he found this invitation to play.

He was pretty excited and played with the cars first.  Driving them on the roads while snacking down on some animal crackers.

Then a rock was introduced and it destroyed the hospital.  Horrible meteor shower.  Many lives were lost.

Zach started building up the city scape.

Somehow this car got on top of the meteor.  Many innocent imaginary  lives were lost.

After this, I put down the camera and we had a good time building and tearing down and rebuilding and driving around.  We loved White Board Town.

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