Thursday, April 23, 2015

Songkran 2015

We didn't have a big Songkran party like we normally do since...well...we don't have the amount of Thailand friends that we did in Utah...or a yard to throw water.  BUT we didn't have to worry about the weather not being warm enough to play outside.  That was a definite plus.

First, I dressed up the kids in their Thai clothes from their grandparents.  My mom wanted pictures of them in their Thai clothes.
Willing participation was low.
I didn't edit these pictures but maybe some day when they go in a scrapbook, I'll get them looking a bit nicer.  For now, they are a  little dark but that's not hurting anyone.

Is he posing or scratching his head?  We're going with posing.
 Interest started to wane and so Zach took the lens cap and well....put it on.  The picture after this one was just blackness.

About to pick his nose or deep in thought?  We're going with deep in thought.

Then it was Sydney's turn.  There was a protest.

After some nursing and sweet talk, I got her to realize that I wasn't murdering her with a dress.


The next order of business was to let Aaron know that he was coming home to a water fight.  My Facebook friends agreed that it wouldn't be sporting to shoot him without any warning.  This was on the door when he came home.

We waited....and some of us did a little dancing.  By some of us, I mean, Zach.

I held a baby and waited.  He couldn't shoot a woman with a baby, right?  Tactical advantage.

No pictures of the ensuing water gun battle.  But there was giggling and running through the house and hiding behind furniture and using children as fire walls.  Very small ineffective fire walls.

Then it was time to go outside and play in some water.  We went out on our patio and I filled up a bucket with water. 

Look how excited he looks in that picture. He can barely contain himself.
Once he figured out what we were doing, he got right into it.

Now he was smiles!  I might have been feeling excited also.

I didn't know whether he would cry or enjoy getting water dumped on him but I decided to give it a gamble and see what happened.  I got those water balls (from his Easter basket) and squeezed them out over him.

He squealed and giggled and wanted a turn.  I let him try them out.  He tried to get the camera man (Aaron...who couldn't get wet due to bandages).

Mostly we played with water toys.  Rocks and bowls and stacking cups with holes.  He appreciated the chance to play at our "water table" and experiment with different 

As he was pouring water into my hands, I remembered that on Songkran, children will pour scented water onto the hands of their parents and ask for a blessing from their parents and to show respect.

We were only playing with holes in a cup though so...NO BLESSINGS FOR ZACH!

The next day I went and got Thai food from an amazing restaurant near us.  Super delicious.  And I figured if the Thai people can celebrate all week, so can I.

Happy Songkran!!!  May your year be filled with blessings and good fortune.  May you do kind deeds to ease other's suffering and may you be cleansed of all your misfortune.

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