Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pure Prayers

Aaron and I have such a fulfilling job working with some of the 4 (Now 5!) year olds. Some of them have already had their birthdays so they are well on their way towards kindergarten!

Since the beginning of the year, we have been working with the children saying opening (and closing if we are lucky) prayers. At first they would want a lot of coaching but they are getting more and more comfortable saying prayers on their own in front of the class.

It has quickly become my most favorite part of class. Sometimes the prayers are a little funny and sometimes they are really thought provoking. Usually they have a running theme through out the prayer.

Last weeks opening prayer was about strength. "Please bless we will be strong today. Please bless we will eat things that will make sure strong. Please bless in class we will be really strong."

The closing prayer was pretty good too. "Bless that we won't eat candy. Bless that we remember that candy isn't good. Bless that we will only eat candy after dinner."

I absolutely LOVED today's prayer.

"Thank you for today being wonderful. Thank you for a wonderful Father's Day. Bless that today is always wonderful."

For is not Father's Day but it totally threw Aaron off.

But really what I loved was that all she wanted was for the day to stay wonderful....but it was only a couple hours into the day and she had already decided that today was wonderful.

Her prayer was answered by the way. Today was wonderful.

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