Monday, December 17, 2012

Little Baby Movements

I've been waiting and waiting and waiting (it seemed like) to feel this little baby moving inside of me.

On December 4th, I felt something weird behind and a little lower than my belly button.  It was like 3 distinct little taps coming from the inside of me.

I thought, "What the heck was that?" Then I remembered that I was pregnant and I wondered...could that have been the baby?

I was only 14 weeks and 5 days...and I had hear of second time mother's feeling movement that soon since they knew what to feel for...but I wondered if that could have been it.

Nothing else happened for a couple days.  Then I felt another tap a little lower down...and again, I wondered.

For the passed 4 days, I felt movement at least once a day.  I've tried to tell my friends about it but they all seemed unimpressed and unconvinced.  Some of the men even told me it was probably just gas...because they would know?

Last night, it was finally unmistakable.  It was happening SO MUCH.  This baby was moving around like crazy!  Probably because I was laying pretty still in bed not moving.

I would feel a couple little taps in one area...then a weird...I don't even know how to was kind of like when you can feel something moving through your intestines.  Not an intense feeling, not a hurting feeling but a....shifting?  I don't know.  Then after about 5 minutes, more little taps somewhere else.


My favorites (and the strongest kicks) were when I rolled on my side to go to sleep and I put my arm around Aaron and had my stomach on his back.  Over the course of 5 minutes there were 4 different kicks to Aaron's back.  I bet that even if Aaron was awake, he couldn't have felt it....they weren't THAT strong.

I know that some women get sick of the movement, and I might get to that point in a couple months when space becomes more cramped...but right now.  I love it.  It is my favorite thing and I look forward to when I get to feel my baby every day.


  1. Yeah! That is so exciting! I never really got sick of the baby movements just the crushing aspects when you are 9 months but it is still a comfort to know your baby is saying hi :)
    The best way I could come up with to describe the first movement feeling for me was kinda like when a swimmer goes under water and flips around and kicks off of the wall, only on a much smaller scale of course! I hear boys are much more "aggressive" with their kicks though!

    1. I totally get the swimmer thing. But he seems to hang out in one spot for awhile poking around before jetting off to a new area. I can't imagine that one spot is super different from another at this point. I guess one area has the umbilical cord and that might have a different texture....what a weird thing to think about.
      I feel bad for him every time I laugh...because he must get thrown around like crazy.
