Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ohio: King's Island & Why Aaron is Good for Me (Updated)

Since we took the first day so slow (read about it here), we thought that on Thursday we would be ready to do the local theme park.  We got our tickets online and saved $30, so that was awesome....and I also became best friends with the owner of our hotel in the process....oh Raj.

We headed to King's Island and got there at 11am, an hour after it opens and....the place was kind of empty for an amusement park.  Oh....probably because it was Thursday and the temperature was in the hundreds.  But it worked out for us because the lines were pretty short.

I was thinking that the rides would be more like Disneyland...for kids and smaller.  No  Disneyland can get away with a park full of kid rides because it is a park for kids and seeing Disney characters.  This was a park for grown ups.  I immediately thought, "Well....I guess that I'm just going to be sitting a lot waiting for Aaron."

And this is why Aaron is good for me.  He won't let me get away with that.  Not in a pushy way but in a , "Katrina, you won't die.  Which one do you think that you could do?  Just one."

And with that, I got on The Beast.  No upside down.  A ride with individual seat belts.  Wooden.  Huge drops.
 This is a picture right after we rode The Beast.  It was amazing!  Seriously, the ride took us into the woods behind the park and was INTENSE!  In an awesome way.  It made the wooden ride at Lagoon look so lame.

Now I was pumped!  I'm so glad that Aaron helped encourage me to stop being a chicken!

We lined up for the next ride, The Vortex.  Fully body strapped favorite.  I love it when the seat feels like it is hugging me the whole time.  This is me in line with the ride behind me.

These rides were LONG!  Seriously, they seemed to go on for a really long time which really makes the wait feel worth it.  This is a picture of the coaster from the "Eiffel Tower" that I got later in the day.

My only problem was those loops....for some reason the force really hurt my neck.  It might have been the way that I was sitting....but yeah, this one was fun but it was starting to get really warm.

We hoped on the train which took us to Soak City.  I think that every theme park needs to be attached to a water park.

When we got into this part of the park, I told Aaron that I wasn't going to be nice till I got in some water.  I know how I am in the heat...and it is not nice.  All of the seats were taken at Breakers Bay and so I got desperate and asked a woman if I could throw my bag by her chair.  She said it was fine and I told her that if someone came to steal it, it was totally cool to just let it happen.  She laughed and I walked straight into the water.

Instant bliss!!

Aaron said that it is cool to put up this picture even though his farmer's tan looks crazy.  It doesn't look this bad in real life.

Can you tell that I was really excited to use our water proof camera.  It still freaks me out to put it under water.  It just feels so wrong to stick that much money in electronics in the water....but that is what we got it for.  Hopefully someday I can take pictures of fish with it instead of this.

If we wanted to know where all the people were in the park, we found our answer when we got to Soak City.  It was PACKED!!  Everyone was there trying to beat the heat.

After we got cooled off, we headed back to the main park and got on some more rides.

I was DYING to try the Wind Seeker!  No loops and no sudden drops.  This one wasn't Aaron's cup of tea.  He doesn't like knowing that there is nothing between him and the 300 foot drop to the ground.

I wish that I could have brought my camera up there with me to show you the view from up there.  It was amazing!!  Ohio is so lush and green for miles.  I love the mountains but it is beautiful to see the diversity in the land and enjoy all that God has made.

This is the view from the "Eiffel Tower" when it is on it's way back down.
LOVE IT!  I probably could have ridden that one a million times.  Maybe if I had ever looked straight down, I would have been scared but I was busy looking at the view.

We did a couple smaller rides after that.  Like the The Italian Job: Stunt Track.  This reminded us of Test Track at the Epcot.

We got to ride in mini coopers!...sort of.  See that license plate?  "2Fast4U"  All of them had awesome plates.

It started off really fast and spun you around sideways 3 times and was just plain intense.  I loved it and Aaron loved it....It looked like it used to go through water....which would have been awesome...but it didn't...the only draw back.

Lunch time after that!  It was about 2pm after all. We got an $8 burger to split and some frozen lemonade.  Amusement parks are expensive!

Then we went to see if White Water Canyon was open.  It was a raft ride and it had been closed most of the morning for repairs.

I brought our camera with us but we stashed our bag.  When we got on the raft and I took this picture...

...a woman on the raft said, "Oh no!  Why did you bring your camera?  YOU ARE GOING TO GET WET!"  What a wonderful person to be genuinely concerned for me.  I told her it was water proof and she was visible relieved...because this was a very wet ride.

(Aaron was even sweet enough to take some pictures of me on the boat!)

This is what Aaron looked like after the ride....even when he is soaked, he is still pretty cute.

Water spot on my face!  My mother made the comment that it looks like I'm in witness protection...nope, I just melt in water.

We rode this ride a couple was warm outside and the ride was cool...we don't need any other reason.  Also, the line was REALLY short since most people didn't think that it would be on all day.

Before we went to the next ride, I pulled out some quarters.  You see, this ride has a point where you can pay money to try to soak other people.  With how hot it was outside, we were really doing people a favor and they knew it.

I don't know why I look so angry...I was having a lot of fun.  The teenage boys next to me thought that I was awesome because after soaking a person, I would wave and shout, "You're welcome!"  One boy even tried to save me from wasting a quarter by shooting out of the red tube...which apparently shoots really crazy and always misses.

These are some people that I're welcome.

After this, we decided that it was time to head back to the water park.  Lockers for your things were $12....which is INSANE!  So we were throwing our bag behind trash cans and stuff hoping that no one would take our stuff.  Oddly enough, when we would get back to our stuff, it would always be there and other people had dumped their stuff there as well.

Anyway, we hoped onto the Splash River.  My favorite.  This ride is always my speed.  Calm and relaxing.  And this one had tons of stuff along the way to splash you which was really fun.

And I got to float around with this hunk!  Look at the slide behind him...we'll get back to that.

This is what happened when I steered us into this.  Totally cute moment of Aaron not getting splashed but being inside this water tunnel.

This is what happens when he tried to do the same thing for me....lovely.  Every day of my life.

I loved this sign when we got out of the river.  I really want to get these tiles to put on the sidewalk outside of my house.  I diving.  Of course...because it is just wet cement....and that would be bad.  Geniuses go to this park.

We did a bunch of water slides after this.  Down Under Thunder and Paradise Pipeline were are favorites. Some of them multiple times.  We did the park in the right order.  Roller coasters when it was hot and that part of the park was nearly empty and then when it started to cool off and people moved to the main park, head to the water park.  It felt like we were only there with a hundred people which was really nice.

I was tired of water slides after a while (once I got water up my nose) but Aaron wanted to do one last ride.

That was cool with me.  I didn't mind sitting one out, especially when the lines were so short.

We have a foot!

Aaron looks so freaked out and vulnerable in this picture.  He laughed when he saw it.  He was trying to blow water out of his nose, get upright, and figure out if his pants were still on him at the same time.

He looks a lot more masculine in this picture.

Now that it was 6 o'clock, we headed back to the main park.  The train rides were actually pretty nice.

They had someone at the front telling corny jokes the whole time which is what you can expect in Ohio (that was a corny joke about the amount of corn grown in Ohio).

Our hair got a little crazy...if you can't tell.

Really cool facades of a ghost town.  Part of me wished that it was really part of the park.  A ghost town would have been a cool attraction.

It was about this time that Jen texted me to ask if we wanted to come to her place for dinner.  She is the best.  We come out for her wedding and she is going out of her way to make sure that we are having fun and staying busy and not bored at a hotel.  It feels so good to have someone worrying about you.  The Dickersons really are some awesome, kind hearted people.

We decided to walk around the park.  I got to meet Peppermint Patty!!  Probably one of the best parts of my day.

That's when we discovered that it had an elevator inside to take us up.  Surprisingly that ride up was scarier for me than the Wind Seeker.  Something about standing on my own two feet made my knees want to give out.

Can you imagine whose job it is to change the date on the grass every day?

When we went back down and I played around with some of the Peanut gang that were more....stationary.

After all of this playing around, we saw that the line for the Stunt Track was really short and headed over to it since we had had so much fun on it the first time.

That was when I knew that I was finished for the day.  Once the car took head started throbbing.  Every time my head got jerked around I hurt.  I was officially all fun-ed out.

But Aaron wasn't.  He rode a couple more rides without me before we finally called it quits.  We were at the park for 9 hours...I would say that we gave it a far go.

When we got back to the hotel, Raj said, "Oh, we were just remembering you",pointing to another hotel worker, "How was King's Island?"

I told you that I made friends with him!  I told him that it was awesome and Aaron and I headed to our room.  Before we could get to the elevator, some random  lady said, "Hey!  How are you?"  Aaron walked passed her and I turned to look.

Mrs. Minges was standing in front of me.  It had been 5 years but I still recognized her.  And that was the beginning of the mini Thailand reunion.

How could I forget the children's flume ride!

We saw where the camera was before we got on so as we were going up the ramp to get to the top of the drop, I was trying to figure out what I would do....and this is all I came up with.

When I was buying this picture, a woman came up and saw it and turned to the guy she was with and said, "Oh my gosh, look at that lady's face!  That is so funny!" She turned around to see if anyone else was looking at the picture....and saw me.  Her face fell. Poor lady, she was so embarrassed for herself but I was feeling pretty good.  "No", I reassured her, "I wanted that to e funny.  You have a right to laugh."

It's what I'm here for.

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