Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cub Scouts: Faith in God

We have some boys who were one requirement short of earning their Webelos badges and it was only in the section for Faith in God. The requirement was to go to an art museum, concert, or other cultural event.

I looked at a couple art shows to try and find something appropriate. It is hard to find an entire art show that is appropriate for 10 year old boys! So many boobies!

Finally we settle on the Eccles Community Art Center in Ogden. They had a show up for the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts and then an exhibit of pieces that are always on show.

I was really nervous about bringing these boys to an art show...I figured that they would be bored to death and start running around. I was very pleasantly surprised.

I started this game where the boys had to look at a painting and tell me what was used to make it. I taught them how they could tell the difference between oil and watercolor.

Oddly enough, at one point we were in a room of the museum all having a laugh about different roller coasters and what made them scary. It was a really fun conversation...we actually had a lot of fun conversations with the boys. There was apparently a picture that was as "graphic" as da Vinci's Vitruvian Man that they boys were trying to shield me from. They didn't think that I should have to see something like that. Aaron told me how "graphic" it was to stop me from feeling embarrassed for subjecting the boys to something like that.

Anyway, the trip was really fun and now we have two boys who are going to get their Webelos badges this month!! We are pretty excited because they are both finishing up with PLENTY of time to work on their Arrow of Light! I can already feel that it is going to be a fun summer!

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