Monday, March 5, 2012

1st Sign of Spring

On Friday we had finished up the snow storms and I played outside in the snow with the children.

There was a little puddle of melted water to the side of the play equipment, right in the sun, and I watched a little bird land in it and start bathing. I grabbed the nearest child to me and said, "Do you want to see something cool?" I walked him slowly over to the bathing bird and said, "Look, that bird is taking a little bath." The boys eyes got big and we held very very still until the bird flew away.

Spring is coming.

On Sunday is was almost up to 50 degrees outside. The air smelled amazingly fresh and I suddenly wanted all of that fresh air to fill up my house. Aaron and I opened up all of the windows and turned off the heater. We started to clean a little around the house. Fresh sheets, freshly vacuumed floors, and fresh air. It felt wonderful. I can't wait till it is full blown spring and we have plenty of time to deep clean all of the house and make everything fresh again.

We also decided that it was time for our garden to take its first trip outside. I've been worried about the lack of sun since the snow storms came through last week. So we set them outside. I haven't seen a single thing start to peep out from the ground which has me a little concerned. Usually zucchinis are up in 3 days. Same with pole beans.

I know that my herb garden appreciated the fresh air. My mint was looking lively.

I'm so thankful for that patch of green that I've had in our house since December. I went around our garden while we were outside and checked on the plants that stayed outside all winter. The blueberry bushes, I was surprised to see, were still alive. When I snapped off the tiniest tip of a branch, I was pleasantly surprised to see garden in the center. The raspberry bushes, I have no doubt will come back in full force come spring time.

The last thing that I will show you is a little funny. Can you tell where the sun never shines in our yard?

As it starts to warm up more, it won't matter where the sun does or doesn't go, it will all be gone. And I know that that is coming soon.

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