Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Garden: Two Weeks

For the first week of growth, I was a little discouraged. I was going to take pictures at one week but...it would have been pictures of dirt. Usually the zucchini comes up after 3 days and the beans usually follow pretty closely behind. After 7 days, I was pretty sure that NOTHING was going to come up.

THEN, one day 8, I had a glimmer of hope! Oregano!!

The tiniest bit of green was coming up! That picture was at 2 weeks...so it wasn't nearly THAT green but it was green!
Aaron went digging for a zucchini and we made a discovery. The plans all decided to start growing DOWN first instead of up. They wanted to get to the banana/egg shell mixture before making their way to the surface! That's fine with me!
By two weeks, EVERYTHING is coming up!

We have 2 Zucchinis.

All 4 sunflowers came up. I didn't realize that Aaron planted two seeds in each container. I HATE pruning. I don't know why but I feel like I'm killing something that would have been perfectly healthy and later, delicious. We might try to transplant.
We have TONS of tomatoes. I think we have like...11 sprouted now. We even have one growing in our mint pot....which might have been a transplant from a tomato that we ate and threw the part we didn't eat under the soil to compost.
We also have about 9 onions coming up. I'm actually going to be planting more of these since, I want WAY more than just 9 of these little onions.

I think that the last plant to come up with the banana/egg shell mixture was the pole beans. They have been taking their sweet time. They STILL aren't all the way up. But they are firmly rooted down so I guess that that is good.

The parsley still hasn't come up. I'm hopeful though. Maybe it just needs time and more sunshine. I hope that I didn't plant those seeds too deep since they are REALLY small.

I'm also going to plant some spinach this week. I LOVE spinach. And I hear from my amazing gardening sister that they aren't that hard, which is super. I'm not super with plants with special needs. My blueberry bushes are the only special needs plants that I can deal with. And maybe some basil. That is pretty special needs but I want it.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! I get so happy when I see that little tiny seeds have turned into plants. They're looking great so far!
