Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Starting the Garden: Updated

Aaron and I decided that it was high time that we started working on our garden. In Utah, you need to start your garden in February BUT you can't plant anything outside until after Mother's Day. We find it hard to pick out when to start having our kitchen table taken over by plants. We finally decided that today was as good a day as any to have our table taken over for at least two months.

We also have been talking about how we are going to make this garden our best garden ever! We heard that eggshells and bananas are really great for plants and so we started by making a nasty slurry.
Doesn't that look gross? But we are hoping that it will help give our tiny seedlings a boost.
We planted Tomatoes, Pole Beans, Sunflowers, and Onions. We still have to plant Zucchini but we figured that those will be the biggest in two months and so we are going to have to put those seeds into something bigger.
I got some yellow clothes pins (that I painted for the Blue and Gold but we didn't use them) and wrote down what each planter set was full of.
And hopefully we will have Blueberries this year along with our Raspberries and Grapes.

Is there anything else that you think we should plant? I'm hoping that this will be enough for us this year. I'm excited because our garden will go great with the Paleo diet. We are going to work pretty hard to make this garden great.

Updated Wednesday the 25th:
Today while I was home sick, I went ahead and planted Zucchini, Oregano, and Parsley!

I think that our little garden is going to be pretty impressive.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to plant stuff this year too! This is the first time I actually have the space to plant a garden since moving out of my parents' house. Well, I say garden, but I'm putting everything in pots (big ones and a LOT of them) because I really don't want to be crawling around in the dirt weeding this year. One day I'll build some raised beds.

    And eggshells + bananas? Never heard of it! You'll have to post about if it made a difference or not. I'm curious about it now. Good luck and I can't wait to see what your garden produces this year!
