Thursday, March 15, 2012

Think Pink

My mom never let me dye my hair. She told me that I needed to love myself for who I was before I could start dyeing my hair. Since graduating from high school almost 5 years ago, I haven't had my natural hair color. I've gone red, blonde, brown and back again multiple times. I've loved red the most.
But during Spring break, I decided that it was time to go...unnatural. I went pink.

Not the best picture of me...I took it there you go. I kind of liked it. I didn't think that it would be okay for teaching at the preschool or going to church, but it was fun for the week I had off.

One of my Webelos scouts said, "Wow, Sister Reinert, your hair is EXCITING! But...I think that brown would suit you better." <3 I thought that I better put a photo up here for posterity, since I don't think it will happen again in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I think it looks great on you! I've had my hair a few unnatural colors: hot pink, fire engine red, and fluorescent orange. In fact, I'm getting hot pink high lights for a wedding I'm a bridesmaid in this summer. I've been worried about the same thing though--I'm 1st counselor in the YW presidency at church. Will hot pink hair somehow make it more difficult to take me seriously? Is it inappropriate? And I have yet to go to the temple with my hair that color. Will they even let me in? I figure that of anywhere in the world, San Diego is a really chill place and I'll be least likely to get shunned at this temple... Hopefully...
