I woke up in the morning in pain...which was awful. I couldn't breathe it was so bad.
(Dramatic Reenactment)
I called Aaron in a panic and I tried to explain that I was clearly DYING! But he told me to calm down and to take some pain meds and go back to sleep. I was SURE that I was dying of appendicitis (since it was on the right side) and that his uncompassionate nature was going to be the end of me. I didn't take pain meds but I laid down and did some deep breathing and the pain started to ease.
So I got dressed and headed to school! After class, I went to work! AND I brought cookies for the kids in the class to celebrate my birthday! All of the preschoolers sang me Happy Birthday and it really was the sweetest thing in the world. Then I got to play with DOMINOES!!
About this time I started "dying" again. My boss told me to go to the hospital because she didn't want me to die there. I thought that I could muscle through. But pretty soon, I was on the floor during nap time silently screaming while rubbing a child's back and I figured that I should go to the hospital.
I called Aaron and he came to get me. By the time he got there, I was feeling better but still really sore. We headed to the ER and after about three hours and a urine test, blood test, and CT scan later, we found out that I passed a kidney stone AND that I have another one sitting at the ready to start its trip out of my body either tomorrow or never.
Plus, since Aaron took me to the emergency room, we got to spend more time together that day than we thought we would be able too. That was a fun treat. We were probably laughing to much in our "room" for people to think that I was too sick. Like when I "stopped breathing". Hospital inside joke!! Quick Version: Apparently when the nurse walked in to look at my vitals I stopped breathing without thinking about it. I held my breath for some reason. And....she became concerned. She was like, "Are you holding your breathe right now?" "No...well...not that I know of." "You look to good to not be breathing." "Thank you?" "Oh, there you go. You are breathing again." (My mom might find that funny since I would stop breathing while taking spelling tests at school in the 3rd grade)
Plus, since Aaron took me to the emergency room, we got to spend more time together that day than we thought we would be able too. That was a fun treat. We were probably laughing to much in our "room" for people to think that I was too sick. Like when I "stopped breathing". Hospital inside joke!! Quick Version: Apparently when the nurse walked in to look at my vitals I stopped breathing without thinking about it. I held my breath for some reason. And....she became concerned. She was like, "Are you holding your breathe right now?" "No...well...not that I know of." "You look to good to not be breathing." "Thank you?" "Oh, there you go. You are breathing again." (My mom might find that funny since I would stop breathing while taking spelling tests at school in the 3rd grade)
I went home feeling tired but SUPER relieved that I didn't have to have surgery to get my appendix taken out. I had WAY too much stuff to do during the weekend and the coming week to be cut up and not feeling well. So in this case, a kidney stone was MUCH BETTER than what it could have been.
Friends came over for a little jewelry party and for my birthday Halloween party the next day, so I got to spend the night talking with friends and laughing and enjoying each other's company. I got to buy myself some next hair clips to enjoy from my friend who does Paparazzi Jewelry and talk with my friends. The day ended on such a high note.
Not to mention ALL of the wonderful people on Facebook, the phone, and to my face, who wished me Happy Birthday! I have the greatest people in my world to help me celebrate life and I'm so blessed to be able to stay in contact with them.
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