We had to wake up at 6:00am to go...which is a bit earlier than I'm use to getting up for conference now that I live in Utah. It was definitely worth the sacrifice though!

We got to be there for Music and the Spoken Word at 9:30am. It is amazing that we got to listen to one of the greatest choirs in THE WORLD. The music is so much better in person. So much better.

And we got to sit so close! Not super close...but, closer than I thought we were going to be.

The speakers in conference were all so good. I mean, this was an awesome two days of conference but Sunday Morning was the best session, if I do say so myself. I'm so glad that I got to have my two favorite men with me. It was especially wonderful to be sitting next to my dad during Sister Dalton's talk. I could look at this man who was such a great example to me and look at Aaron who is going to be that same great example to our children.

After the session, I got to walk around temple square with these great men. It is so amazing to me that my parents were sealed in this temple and now I'm sealed to my wonderful husband in this beautiful building. A temple marriage is a wonderful goal for people to aim for. I love it when I get a chance to go back with Aaron, even if it is just to walk around outside and think about the day we got to start forever.

This weekend was a spiritual feast and I'm so glad that I got the chance to see my dad again and to enjoy conference together.
The whole time, I was thinking that Aaron and I get to do the coolest things.
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