Thursday, August 4, 2011

Recipe: Paleo Mint Ice Cream

People are going to start thinking that my diet is made up of ice cream if I keep posting these. I swear that most days I'm eating tons of fruits and veggies (For lunch I had a salad of spinach, tomatoes, and left over turkey and it was amazing).

Most foods that I make for dinner and lunch are boring so I don't share.

Anyway, I couldn't find a recipe online for mint ice cream that was paleo...or one that didn't include fresh mint plants so I winged it.

I made ice cream last time to celebrate going a week on my diet. This patch is because Aaron doesn't like chocolate banana ice cream apparently. He wanted to try one with mint out (with no chocolate chunks because I guess he doesn't like those either) so I made it for him. The first thing he said when he tasted this one was, "Wow. That is way too much mint. I feel like I just brushed my teeth." So he has moved himself into the make it yourself zone.

The Recipe:
It is pretty much the same as before as far as base ingredients go.

1 cup coconut milk
1 cup almond milk
mint extract

Mix it all into a bowl to taste. Apparently I put too much mint in. I like the amount that it is...but what makes your taste buds happy. Honey is to sweeten it up a bit. Same with the vanilla. I hear the vanilla tames the taste of the mint a little but I don't know. Put it into the ice cream maker and let it do its thing for 30 minutes. Take it out and put it in the freezer to harden it up a bit.

(I added food coloring...if you couldn't tell.)


P.S. Let me know if you don't care about my diet and my recipes. :) My goal is to kind of be a support to other people who are on weird diets.


  1. i think it's awesome! i'm so excited for you guys and your fun new recipes and adventures :)

  2. You might be the only one!
    Get excited because tomorrow is spaghetti squash!

  3. Wow! Somebody else starting out on this diet! I haven't done much with ice cream but I want to advise you on one update in the paleo world: Don't go for lean meats. Fat is GOOD and satiating. Enjoy it. Savor it.

    I deviate on the Weston Price side of things by drinking and eating raw dairy, but best of luck on the more strict way of eating!

  4. Yeah, my mom recommended that I give it a try to get pregnant. I don't know if this is going to be a forever life change type thing, but it will be for the next....3 months or so. Giving up the grains and dairy has been a little hard but ultimately very satisfying. It is fun to feel like I'm getting away with something with the ice cream.

  5. I have actually heard quite a few success stories from other paleo eaters that essentially reversed their infertility (many referred to PCOS, but not always).

    Here's one:
