Friday, September 27, 2013

Zach's Four Month Stats

As always, these posts are intended for grandma's and nana's and honorary "family" members who care.  If you don't, you have my permission to skip over this post.

I forgot to pack the camera this morning, since we are having some house drama at the moment, so you only get cell phone pics.


Today was Zach's 4 Month Appointment. I can't believe he has gotten that old or this big so fast. Seriously...sleep deprivation will do that to you.

"Mom, why are you still talking?  Give them the stats!" 
Here is how he is shaping up:
Weight: 15lbs 8 oz (50th percentile) 
Height: 26 inches (84th percentile)
Head: 41.5cm (44th percentile)

For those of you looking back to last appointment at 2 months, you'll note that his weight is still the average for his age but he has gotten longer than the average baby and his head is starting to grow into a more average size.


Things of note:
He rolls onto his tummy all the time now.  At the appointment he kept doing it and I like to call it "baby guided tummy time" or "self imposed tummy time".

And he likes to sleep that way now, even though I've told him that I don't like it because it scares me.  He still insists on doing it anyway.  Rude.  It's like he doesn't care about my feelings at all.


 I never did tummy time with him and a couple weeks ago while putting him down for a nap, he was flailing around so I put him on his tummy to contain him....and he rolled onto his back.  So I guess he knows how to roll both directions now.  That sneaky little baby.

He is still as snuggly as ever.  His grandma Anderson calls him her "Snugs".  He is taking most of his naps by himself these days but every once in awhile, I snuggle down with him and enjoy every second that I get being close to him....till he pokes me in the eye.

His smile renders me incapable of being mad/sad/tired/irritable.  It totally slays me. That could be a bad thing someday...but at the moment, it makes the aforementioned sleep deprivation bearable.


"Mom...are you seriously still writing?"
He LOVES to be sitting up or standing.  But he HATES that he can't do that all the time by himself yet.  He has gotten bored with being on his back and looking up at his toys.  He loves to sit or stand on my lap and look all around him.

He loves being outside.  I'm scared that winter will be really hard for him because we will be mostly indoors.  The other day, I bundled him up and took him outside to show him the yellow leaves.  He liked it but his tiny cheeks got chapped.

We will be starting solid foods today...or at least...that is the plan.  He loves to eat and so far in his life he has shown that he will take formula, breast milk, or medicine and he doesn't care if it comes out of a real nipple, plastic nipple, syringe, dropper, or spoon.

I love my little sun bear.  He gets kisses every day and so he isn't hurting in the getting love and attention department.  Every day I hope that we aren't messing him up too bad because we sure do think he's great.

1 comment:

  1. hes wonderful, give him hugs and kisses from his great aunt tammy
