Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Peaches and Diaper Disaster

Well, it is harvest time here in Ogden and that means everyone is getting their produce all in order for the long cold winter.  I didn't do any gardening this year because I was busy making a person and keeping him alive.  No biggie.

But yeah, no garden.  Which is kind of a bummer but if you have been following this blog for any length of time you would know that even when I plant a usually ends TERRIBLY!

A woman at my church gave me a ride home from a meeting one day and the whole inside of her van smelled like peaches.  And she said, "Oh yeah, it's because I have three whole baskets that I don't know what to do with because I don't have room for them in the house right now.  Would you like them?"

If I had been a woman with canning experience, I would have said, "YES PLEASE!!  ALL OF THEM!!"  But I said, "I'll take a couple but I know that if I take more than a handful we won't eat them and they will just rot."

And she asked, "Well, can't you just blanch them?"  ....I'm sure I could...if I knew what the crap that meant.

She told me that you just boil them for about 45 seconds, then pull them out, rip off the skin and put them in the freezer till you want a piece of that peach action.

PERFECT!!  I didn't take 3 basket fulls because that would have been INSANE and we don't have the fridge space for that.  That kind of volume is for canning only.  BUT, I did take a grocery bag full.


And of course, while I worked on them, I snagged a few bites....okay...I might have eaten the equivalent of 4 peaches while I was working...or more.


It was peach madness and they were delicious.  Packed away in the freezer they went.  Ready to use them by the sandwich bag full.  I'm excited about middle of the winter peach smoothies or peach cobblers.  I'll keep you posted.

Cool end of the story, the next day, I was hanging out with my little bear who is still breastfeeding.  I was taking pictures of him in this cute shirt that his Grandma Anderson made for him.





That is when I found out that if I eat a lot of baby gets the runs the next day.  Lesson learned peaches....lesson learned.

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