Saturday, August 25, 2012

Brigham City Temple Open House

Some people say that the LDS Church doesn't want everyone to see inside our temples and know our "secrets"....but guess what....

We actually want EVERY SINGLE PERSON to go to the temple and learn our "secrets".  We would actually REALLY REALLY love that. have to believe in the Gospel and live its teachings.

But here is a quick surprise for you...  YOU MIGHT ALREADY BE LIVING MOST OF ITS TEACHINGS.

We actually don't expect crazy things from sacrificing babies...or pledging your soul to someone named Mormon.

Are you a good person who tries to help other people?  Do you try to be honest?  Do you already love Jesus Christ and want to be more like him? too.

But are you not perfect? too.

Just something for you to think about while you read.....ABOUT TEMPLES....

When the LDS Church builds temples, they have a space of time set aside for people to walk through the whole thing.  ANYONE can go inside.

When the temple is in operation, it is closed to the general public unless they have a temple recommend.

Since temples are used for....temple work...people who aren't LDS don't really have a reason to go inside, except for curiosities sake.  So if you are curious, go to a temple open house or look at information that the LDS Church provides on temples.

What does the inside of a Mormon temple look like?

What do they do inside?

Head to this website with your questions and I'm sure you will learn something. is an LDS website so it is likely to be 100% accurate and not very salacious.  But I'm sure if you Google it enough you will find something freaky.  I don't encourage Googling since you will probably end up not learning a lot but get really confused or concerned.

The Brigham City Temple was having its open house for almost a month and so Aaron and I decided to go on August 24th.
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This open house was a wonderful time for us to walk around a brand new temple.  For those of you who don't know, all of the basic elements of temples are the same.  They all have sealing rooms for weddings, celestial rooms that represent being in Heaven closer to our Heavenly Father and baptismal fonts for doing work for the dead.  BUT all temples have different details.

The Brigham City temple had peach flowers everywhere.  Not actually flowers but carvings in the wood and tiles with peach flowers because peaches are important to the people in this area.  I even found some outside.

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Other temples will have hand painted murals or other unique materials to the area that they will try to incorporate.  Sandstone or granite or marble or woods.

I love going to open houses to see what makes that temple different.  This one was also special because it will be the closest temple to our home for the time being (since they are redoing the Ogden Temple).

Other families love open houses because they provide an opportunity to take friends who aren't LDS or young children who have never been inside a temple, to see what the temple is really like.

I wish that some of my friends were closer to me so that I could have shown them the inside of a temple.  There are always new temples being built and so I will keep my eyes and ears opening for finding temple open houses near my friends.

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I include this picture just because I think that I look good in it.  The front of the temple says,
 "Holiness to the Lord
The House of the Lord"
because we believe that our temples are literally the House of the Lord.
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This is the back end of the temple.  I took this with my phone while we were driving away.

It was a beautiful experience and the temple is lovely inside. I want to say that I believe that the work that is being done in temples is for the good of the whole world. I believe that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can and do dwell there and you can feel Their spirits when you are in the temple. I'm so grateful for temples on the earth because I was able to use the sealing power of the Priesthood to marry my wonderful husband for Time and All Eternity. Temples are not secret. They are sacred places of personal worship filled with the love of our Heavenly Father who wishes for all to enter. If you have any questions about the temple, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME post! You are awesome! Your children are going to be so lucky to have such a great mom & teacher!
