Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Zachary's 2nd Birthday: The Railroad Museum

Zachary turned two and I'm, of course, completely traumatized.  He is getting so big and it is rude.  But the fun thing is that he is becoming more and more of a person with his own likes and dislikes.  And I wanted his birthday to center around one of his biggest likes....and that is trains.

I found out that there is a railroad museum in Boulder City and I thought, "This will either be great or he will think that trains in real life are lame."  

I knew it was going to be a hit as we got closer to the museum and he saw a train and he started saying, "TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN!!!" over and over again.  Oh yeah, he was going to have a good time.

The second he got out of the car, he was like this:

Pointing at every single train car that he saw.  Boy was he is for a surprise....

He watched this train come into the station with his eyes bugging out of his head. 

He backed up and climbed on a bench to take in the majesty and wonder of the train.

Really, he was kind of freaking out from excitement.  He was really overwhelmed being in the presents of a train.

Before going on the big train ride, we decided to do a little free train ride in case that it was too much for him.

He was pointing at the pictures of trains in our train car and he was pointing at all the trains we passed on the ride.

He took a picture....the proportions are CRAZY.  Sydney's head is not that shape.

The little train ride was fun for him.  It was a great starting place before getting him on the big train.

He got to meet a conductor!!  How exciting!  Dreams do come true!

It was around this time that excitement shock started setting in.  Have you ever been so happy and excited that you couldn't deal?  And you wanted to curl up and cry?  Have you seen the video of Kristen Bell seeing a sloth on the Ellen show?  It was like that.

We all took a time out.  We went over to the far end of the museum and sat and talked through everything that we had seen and done.

This was our little thinking bench.  We stayed here for about 10 minutes being quiet and looking around.  We wanted to make sure he had a good time so we enjoyed our time out.  Drank some water and ate some cookies.

Then we went back to looking at trains.

My heart melts when I see Zach with his dad.  These two are buddies.

We practiced getting into a train car that was on display.  This one was a mail car.

Then we got onto the big train.  They had big open windows so that you can enjoy the fresh air and see everything outside the train.

Zach waved at the cars.  

He pointed out cars and rocks and grass and trees.

The views were very beautiful.  It isn't the same mountain views that we are use to in Utah but this desert landscape is beautiful in its own right.

When Zach was comfortable enough to walk around, he went over to a window and dad went with him.

He pointed out new things to Zach and told him new words.  Zach was mesmerized.

When the ride was over, Zach helped Aaron off the train.  He was ready to go back to walk around outside the trains and admiring them from the outside.

The final thing that we did there was going and checking out the model trains that they had set up.  There were a couple really big sets and Zach LOOOOOVED watching them go around and around.

As we left, Zach waved and said, "Bye train!" over and over and over again.

He said it look after we had left the museum and all the way out of Boulder City...until  he fell fast asleep.

That was part one of Zach's train birthday.  It went really well for how young he is and I'm glad that he legitimately enjoyed it to the fullest.

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