Sunday, May 18, 2014

Zach's First Easter

Much like with the Songkran post, all of my pictures of Easter are trapped on my camera until I find the right wires to get them off.

But, here are the Easter photos from my phone!

First off, we have pictures from church.  Our sacrament meeting is right at Zach's nap time and so we've had to spend a lot of time in the foyer with a grumpy baby until we give up and take him home for a nap.  So this is Zach and I out in the foyer together.

I absolutely hate it when someone says, "Get his hand out of his mouth."  Before they will take a photo of me with my baby.  I don't care if his hand is in his mouth...that's what he looks like and you can still see the smiling in his eyes....unlike when you snatch his hand out of his which case he stops smiling.

Look what we have here.  His hand is out of his mouth but he has his hand in this charming little pose....all on his own...and happy too.

After church, and after nap time (a VERY important part of the day), it was time for the Easter egg hunt.  Aaron and I got a couple plastic eggs and put yogurt bites in them...because Easter isn't about candy.

Look at this stud of a man!  As always, he looks very excited.

Like father, like son.  Zach looks thrilled to be out here looking for eggs.  He's thinking, "why are you guys so weird?"

You can't tell by any of the pictures but I was at the Easter egg hunt and so were Daniel and Markus.  They hadn't started making their way back to Texas yet since the day before was the Songkran party.  That must have been weird for Zach.....4 adults just standing around staring at him.

He managed to crack one of the eyes open while we were out there....and so he took care of the contents. Don't want to leave a mess.

After the Easter egg "hunt" was over, we went on a little walk.  Aaron and I talked about what we wanted to have for Easter traditions since I don't want so many holidays to revolve around CANDY CANDY CANDY and PRESENTS PRESENTS PRESENTS!  I want Zach to grow up knowing that the best part about Easter are the wonderful blessings that we've been given by our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Aaron and I have always loved hiking together and so we decided that we wanted to have a family tradition of Easter Hikes.  We can go and point out all of the new life that there is in spring and talk about all the beautiful things that we have been blessed with.

Ummmm, can I say that there is not many things more attractive than men with a stroller?  Don't Markus' arms look a million times buffer because he's pushing a stroller?  

These guys are my Easter blessing!  I'm so grateful that I'm able to have these awesome brothers who will be a great example to my little son.  Aaron is a great dad and I'm so glad that he's my sweetheart.  Even though he is distracted on his phone in this picture, he is a very attentive father to Zach and I'm so grateful that he will shower Zach with love and attention.  And lastly, I'm so so grateful for my wonderful son.  He is absolutely perfect.  He helps me learn how to be a better mom and I'm excited to show him the amazing world that he lives in.

Hard to imagine that less than a year ago, I was walking that path while I was in labor. It was a lovely trail then and it is a lovely trail now.

Oh....and here is a flower.

I hope that everyone had wonderful Easter memories made this year!  May we always remember the great love that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for us.  We are of eternal and infinite worth.  Hopefully this year, we will remember to live that way so that we can take the path that was provided by us many Easters ago, to get back to our Heavenly home.

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