Aunt Elizabeth suggested that I take pictures every hour of my birthday. I absolutely LOVED that idea! I didn't know how interesting it would be but I knew that I wanted to at least try.
First thing waking up was wonderful (I'm not counting when I woke up EARLY to a dog barfing and cleaned it up really fast)!! I had my little angel baby next to me and so when I woke up, the first thing that I saw was his smiling face. LOVE!
After a ridiculous little photo shoot in bed, we both got up and went into the living room. Baby bear has a Johnny Jump-up now and he thought that he would stretch his legs.
It looks like he is holding onto the door frame but his arms, in reality, aren't long enough for that. |
Do a little turn on the cat walk!! |
While I was sitting on the floor next to little man cheering on his leg work, Aaron came through the door! He told me that he was giving me "the day off".
(Those are Halloween curtains...not our real curtains. There wasn't a fire.)
Little buddy and Aaron settled into the couch to watch the leaves fall and I went to take a shower.
I didn't take a picture of me in the shower. Try not to be too disappointed.
While I was in the shower, I tried to decide what I wanted to do with my day off. I decided to celebrate getting my driver's license when I was 24 with a drive to a thrift store to look at books.
Since I was on the right road for it, I decided to stop at the Asian Market as well.
I found some yummy stuff for later and I found some funny stuff that reminded me of home. Anyone need some durian flavoring?
Next stop was Deseret Industries. It is my favorite thrift store in Utah. I gave myself a $20 limit on children's books. They are my favorite thing in the world. THE WORLD. I hadn't been able to go buy books in ages. I got a big pile of maybe's and went to sit on a couch in the store and sort through them. It was heaven.
Then....I had no where else that I wanted to be but home with my little family. I ate my Thai lunch, which was bliss because it tasted like home.
Zach took a nap and I messaged around on the internet...and I found it super creepy that Google wished me a happy birthday. Like...I know logically that since I have a Google + account that they know my birthday...but I find it creepy that they are cool with flaunting the fact that they know my birthday.
Next we decided to return the costume for Zach that was missing pieces...and while we were out, we decided to try and find a replacement costume. It wasn't successful but we had fun with it.
Even Aaron got into it. Probably because it was my birthday and he loves me.
He must really like me, because he even decided to be a little silly.
When we got home, we worked on putting our little man to bed. I pulled out some of
my frozen peaches and made myself a cobbler. Aaron passed out at about 7pm saying, "I don't know how you do it." I sat in bed and watched Bones and ate cobbler.
It was a wonderful day that I got to spend with the people that I love the most. I got to enjoy some of my home and buy some of my favorite things. It was a wonderful birthday.
Thank you to everyone who wished me a "Happy Birthday" on facebook and text message and on the phone! I had the best day and I made it through without one visit to the ER!!
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