Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bambi And the Dumbest Injury Saga EVER! (Updated)

Yeah, I've taken a crazy long blogging hiatus for no real reason except being really really busy and then too overwhelmed to get everything down and blogged.  BUT I'm coming back so that I can record this RIDICULOUS story.

I'm about to go and pick up Bambi from the vet after she had minor exploratory surgery today.

Do I have your attention?  Yeah, get ready for this gross roller coaster.

A couple of weeks ago, we got back from California (yeah....I should probably blog about that) and picked up our dogs from a friend's house.

Update: I give you this detail, not because I think that it happened while at this friend's house, but to point out that our lives were already a bit crazy and trying to get back to normal when this happened.  I DON'T THINK MY FRIENDS DID THIS TO HER!!  Because seriously, Bambi doesn't need help getting into drama....she can do it all by herself.

The next day she was licking her right front paw like crazy.  I couldn't see anything so I was scared she was getting Pippen's HORRIBLE habit of freaking out and licking one spot obsessively.  So I put a cone on her head.

That night, it still looked a little red so I thought maybe it needed some Neosporin. So I taped a sock to her paw so that she couldn't lick off the medicine.

The next morning came wasn't looking so great for Bambi.  It was looking REALLY nasty for Bambi.

Look how crazy swollen her paw was!!  And the nastiest part was when I picked up her paw and applied a little pressure and pus oozed out of it.

I called the vet and she had an appointment on the 14th since it was Aaron's off Friday.  When I called the vet, I told the receptionist that it was for an infection and she said, "Has a doctor told you that it is infected or do you just think it is infected?"  And I said, "Is is swollen and oozing pus....So I KNOW that it is infected."  You don't have to be a vet to know that oozing pus isn't a good sign for an injury.

When I got home from work Friday, Aaron told me that the vet shaved the area but could only find a tiny hole once all the pus was emptied out.  The vet figured that she got a splinter and it had gotten infected while her body tried to get rid of the foreign body.

She had 8 days of antibiotics and the vet said that if the swelling didn't go down or if it kept oozing pus when she was done with the antibiotics we should come back and they might have to see if the "splinter" or other foreign body was still in there.

As she took the antibiotics, the swelling started to go down in her paw and there was less and less pus.  All good signs.  The last day of the antibiotics was last Saturday and the pus had finally stopped oozing out and the original tiny cut closed over.

Two days later, I look at her paw and see that around where the cut used to be was growing like a tumor.  Slowly swelling up with what I assumed to be pus.  I told Aaron that if it didn't go down in a couple days, we would have to call the vet.

Well, Wednesday her wrist was swelling too.  Yeah....of all places, her wrist was swelling up to.  I decided that if that was any worse than I would have to call the vet.

Thursday morning, her wrist was so swollen that the skin had started changing colors and it felt like it was full of liquid.  I called the vet and scheduled an appointment for that day.

The vet looked at it and was pretty sure that the foreign body had traveled up to her wrist and was causing the swelling.  That was going to have to be an exploratory surgery for the next day.  The quoted price for the extraction of the foreign body?  $175.

IF YOU ARE QUEASY DO NOT LOOK AT THE NEXT PHOTO!!! Scroll down to the next time you see red writing!!!

Aaron and I had Pack Meeting for the Cub Scouts last night so we put the dogs in their kennels and left.  When we got home, what had been the swelling on her wrist was a gaping hole.  A gaping hole of straight into her wrist.

September272012 019
Oh BARFFF!!!!  Seriously, DISGUSTING!!  This picture doesn't do this hole justice.  We don't know whether it popped from the size that it got or whether she bit it opened but the swelling was gone now.
It wasn't bloody, thank goodness but it was leaking plasma and just disgust.  We put the tape and sock back on her.  But the cone on her and sent her to bed.

Aaron and I were a little irritated because, what would the vet say?  Would we have to wait another week to do the exploratory surgery?  Did she get the foreign body out?  Is it moving further up?


We dropped Bambi off for surgery at 7:30am.  We had to tell them about the change in  her condition (aka The Hole In Her Wrist).  They decided that it was still worth looking to make sure that there wasn't anything left inside her wrist and they would call us to tell us when she could be picked up.

At 10:30 we got the call.  The found the foreign body!!  It was a Foxtail seed.

It had stabbed into her foot and worked its way up into her wrist!  Of all the weird things.  A seed.

Now we can go collect our poor beat up dog.  And hopefully once she gets the stitches out, that will be the end of her seed adventures for awhile.

We got her home!!  The vet kept the seed for us so that we could have a look at the size of it!  I can't believe that something so big has been traveling up her arm for the past two weeks!!


Also, since her wrist swelling popped, it was less work for the vets to look for the seed so it cost $15 for the extraction of the foreign body.  Which is a WHOLE LOT better than $175.  So....YAY? ...for....blowing up her wrist?

In 10 days she has to get her stitches out and hopefully that will be the end of this mess.



  1. Poor Bambi,I feel so bad for her. Sounds kind of like the issue we had with Dakota. The vet wasn't sure what was going on with her swollen neck. I hope this will be the end of the pain for her. Lots of love and hugs.

  2. I don't know, Katrina. I think you really wasted the vet's time by insisting you could recognize an infection. Are you a trained veterinary assistant (AKA on the job training for most)?


    Glad to hear Bambi is doing better.

    1. Hahahaha, I know? Pus could mean anything! And am I even sure it is pus? Could it just be gravy that I dropped on my dog? Probably.
