Wednesday, April 9, 2014

He's A Climber

Zach is not focusing his attention on learning how to all.  He's 10 months and so he's got plenty of time to work on it.  I'm not a pushy mom when it comes to milestones.

But he has been working one favorite task and that is climbing as high as he can.  Sometimes, if I'm sitting on the floor, he will use me to try and climb up onto things, so I have to be careful what I'm up against.

The other day, I watched him climb up on this box of diapers.  He was so proud.  I was really impressed because you can see the green bottle in his hands that he brought up with him. 

Then he started to try and climb into the cabinet.  Unfortunatally the books that he grabbed onto were not a solid thing to pull on.  He fell backwards and took the books with him.

Oh....but that's not what he has a bruise on his forehead and blood on his was later.

After he fell off the box of diapers, he was a little upset.  He started to cry a little and so I scooped him up and tried to comfort him.  I was sitting on the ground by our chaise lounge and when he stopped crying, he tried to get away from me so that he could climb onto the lounge.....and his foot slipped off of my belly (that he was using as a foot hold) and bonked his face into the wooden base of the chaise lounge.  And I assume, bite his tongue.

Aaron asked about the bruise on Zach's head when he got home.  Nope...not from doing things dangerous....from being held by mom.

I found him a couple days later, sitting and contemplating the universe on my luggage.  The bigger suitcase like this, was the first thing that I saw him climb on to and that was right after my trip to Illinois. 

I love that he is a little climber.  I LOVE IT.  I was a super cautious child, always aware of my mortality.  I want him to always feel like doing exciting things and reaching new heights.  The other day, when we were painting, we moved the chaise lounge in front of the picture window.  He used my body to climb up onto the back of the lounge and watch all the cars go by. 

I'm proud of my climber.  

And I'm fully aware that that might mean stitches are in our future.

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