Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Zach's 9 Month Stats

My baby is 9 months old!  6 months ago, I was joking that I only had 9 months to plan his 1st birthday party and now it is only 3 months until his birthday!!!  I don't think that any mom can say enough how fast the time flies by.  It really has hit me hard lately now that he is crawling all over the place and cruising on all of the furniture, that he is really getting big.

I suddenly understand why woman get this crazy urge to have another baby....since the little newborn is gone now and you miss all of the sweet moments of having that brand new baby.  But "luckily", the waking up all hours of the night and terrible napping, reminds me that I can just enjoy every single moment with Zach that I want before I think about having another little newborn.
How he's shaping up:
Weight: 18lbs. 10oz (31st percentile)
Height: 28 3/4 inches (67th percentile)
Head: 44cm (21st percentile)
Where is his other hand in all of these pictures?  Scratching his back.  We have been asking about his dry dry skin for awhile now and the doctor has just been saying "lotion" (because I've discovered that doctors are THE WORST and always think that you are making more out of something than you are).

I should of taken a picture but it is sad and gross.  

His skin, especially on his back, got so bad that he has some prescription cream and we have to use a special soap for him.  He has to be lotioned up at least 5 times a day.  His head used to be pretty bad and he would cut it up trying to scratch at it so not only was it dry but it had scabs all over it.  

He doesn't seem to disturbed by the whole thing though so I know that this too shall pass.

He is turning more and more into a little person that is full of personality and love.  I'm loving being a stay at home mom and I feel so lucky that I get to play and snuggle and giggle and read books and give kisses and sing songs all day long.

Zach is such a fun little person and he is enjoying being a little scientist and listening to the sounds of things banging against other things and splashing in the bath and discovering textures.  We have a wonderful life.

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