Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

You might recall from last year that I was starting a tradition of writing a letter to future Katrina in a sort of time capsule effect.

Dear 2011 Katrina,
This is 2010 Katrina. This might all get a little confusing. But I thought I would answer 2009 Katrina's questions about what 2010 was like.
Aaron and I have been married for a year and a half now and it has still been pretty great. I wouldn't say that we are in the "honeymoon stage" anymore but for some reason, it feels better than that. I still look at him at night while he is sleeping or while we are hanging out being goofy and I think, "Wow...How did I get such an amazing guy? I'm so in love." And I still do tell Aaron and our Heavenly Father how much I appreciate having him in my life.

2009 Katrina asked me "Have you changed your mind about having kids?" I don't exactly know how to answer that question. When I wrote that, I was thinking that Aaron and I weren't going to have kids till after I finished college. So much has changed in my life. I don't know if it will be that far off. Teaching primary has helped me get over some of my fears of having children. But who knows when I will have the blessing of children in my life? I think I'm ready for it, but we will have to see.

The house still has some stuff that I would like to fix up and change but, I think until the day we move out, there will always be things that I want to change and improve in our home. Hopefully I will finish putting up the blinds in the guest room pretty soon though!

Christmas at the in-laws was fun, for sure. I love how they play games every night. There was a bunch of time spent laughing and eating good food. It was wonderful.

Also, 2009 Katrina, Heroes totally got cancelled! You should be so happy. It was the worst. And I totally gave 2010 Aaron a kiss for you. And of course when I said, "This is from me, a year ago", he looked at me like I was a crazy loon.

This year was:
A crazy amount of ups and downs...mostly ups with very terrible downs. Isn't that how life goes though?

Travel!!! So much travel! I accomplished my goal to go to a new state...actually two new states. Aaron and I went with some friends to New York City and had a fantastic busy time getting the most out of every moment there. We also went to Ohio for Dyson's wedding! We got to see so many of my old school friends. We went to Hawaii with Aaron's family and explored Kauai'i like a native thanks to Grandpa Prince.

New callings in the church. Being CTR 4 teachers has been awesome. I want to cry when I think about how big Bree, Joe, Tyler, Gracie and Max have gotten. We had the other CTR 4 class so much that I feel like Nathan, Avi, Olivia, and Asia were also in our class. So many good moments with these guys. I hope we live in this ward long enough to see them all get baptized. I have never had a calling for so long and I'm so happy that I'm being left in it for at least another year. All new 4 year olds on Sunday....9 of them!

You just got released as the Cub Master! How awesome is that!?!? Cub Master at this point in my life, was not for me at all. I'm so glad that Aaron and I get to lead the Webelos. This should be more fun.

You totally feel in love with photography this year! I always loved photography but after getting the new DSLR and taking a college photography class...I am hooked. I get to take a black and white analog class next semester. It will be good to get back to school after this semester off. Remember the promise you made to yourself. You have to try it for 3 years and if you feel like you have no talent, you can quit...but after 6 months, you have come so far. I can't imagine ever not wanting to take photos.

After reading what 2009 Katrina had to say...I feel like I have grow up in the last year. Or maybe I am calmer now. 2010 was hard. I want to always remember the wonderful, fun and exciting moments and I will but...I think 2010 deserves some remembrance of the hard things. But I feel like, even if I don't write them, I will still remember them.

Aaron and I have worked hard on the house. The garden is really starting to come together. When we put in the flower bed on the other side in the front yard, it will be amazing. Bambi became part of our family in May...time flies. I still think about getting rid of her at least twice a month. The more we train her, the more I love her though. Pippen and Aaron would never let me get rid of her.

Geoff comes back in 2 months and 10 days. I can't believe it has already been 2 years. Clarise is still waiting. I really hope they can pick up where they left off and live happily ever after.

Andy didn't end up moving to Salt Lake City. He is still in Provo which is perfect for him but I wish I could see Clarise and him more often. Daniel comes up to see me at least once a month. More if his girlfriend is in town. Laura is a lovely girl.

Goals for 2011:
  • Finish up the bucket list item that you start! You have nothing to fear except the fear of leaving something incomplete! Do it! People are behind you!
  • Keep learning more about sewing (I thought I would move on to another talent to practice but this one needs more time because you don't want to just be alright, you want to be amazing.)
  • Go to Mexico!!! This summer!!! Explore! And while I'm at it, go to a state Aaron and you have never visited as a couple.
  • Read the New Testament!
  • Keep working on the garden. (Good job in 2010 getting tomatoes, zucchini and one green bean to grow! Do better next year!)
  • Keep teaching your dogs new tricks. (Pippen's high five is the coolest!)
  • Go to the temple at least once a month with Aaron.
Kind of a long list can do it. You did it last year and you are more amazing and capable this year!

Questions for 2011 Katrina:
Do you think this tradition is going to be awesome? I like it a bunch so far. Was CTR4 as fun with the new kids as it was with the first batch? Do you like who you are becoming? Are you proud of yourself? What is on your travel wish-list for 2011?

You are amazing. Remember that. Your mother thinks so and your husband knows so.
Good luck with school this next semester. It should be a blast.
Don't forget to write to future you next New Years Day! I'm sure that 2011 Katrina will have a lot of say.

Wiser, happy Katrina

P.S. Can you tell 2011 Aaron he looks for hot for me? He needs a good butt pinch too! Tell him it is from me. It will confuse him...and he looks so cute confused.

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