Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Pizza Party

I'm super excited that we finally broke our record of staying out of the hospital.

Keeping a counter going honestly started out as a total joke.  Like, "Haha! We've been out of a hospital for 3 days.  We're so cool."  Especially since we had a family member in the hospital for two and a half months straight.

Then with all the actual back and forth to the hospital, it became a means of morale boosting.  It gave us a goal to aim for.

So when Aaron got out of the hospital this last time, I jokingly told him he could have a pizza party if we beat our record.

we had a couple close calls.  He was throwing up one day and I knew I was suppose to take him to the ER because it could have been his intestines shutting down but we had had the flu in the house so we waited it out.

The doctor wasn't super pleased with me and my choice but it did end up being the flu.  The doctor made me promise if Aaron showed any symptoms of anything again that I would drive him into the ER.  IMMEDIATELY.  Riiiiiiiiiiiight....sure thing.

A couple weeks later one of Aaron's incisions started looking nasty under the steri strips.  I told him it was probably bursting open (which was something the doctor warned us could happen).  Aaron called into the clinic and they told us we should think about going to the ER to look at it.  But we decided to wait and get an appointment the next day.

Aaron's doctor was a little worried when he saw who his next appointment was with and that it was a possible infected and burst open incision because it could either be the big one or the little one.  If it was the big incision, that's....ummmmmmm....a really huge problem.

So when he came in and found out it was only the little side incision he was relieved for Aaron.  It ended up being more work for me to clean it out and pack it during wound change but at least it didn't mean a hospital visit.  You know...for the sake of the counter (but mostly my sanity).

We really had to work for this brand new record.  And by "work for it" I mean, kind of gamble with Aaron's health...but only a little.

On day 63 when we broke the record, we headed over to CiCi's Pizza to gorge ourselves at the pizza buffet (Aaron and I each had a big plate of salad with our pizza...trying to take care of our health...for reasons that should be obvious).

Zach was surprisingly uninterested in everything there and insisted on "blue" when he got home.  That's his word for blueberries.

By today, the new record is 69 days...we are going to try not to get to cocky though.

I'm glad we've been able to keep things fun for each other so that we didn't get discouraged.

If you ever have to go through some tough life crap, I hope that you can do it with an awesome partner.

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