Saturday, December 8, 2012

Unapologetically Pregnant

I have an infertility blog.  I've had one for nearly 3 years.  Reading other people's blogs helped me deal with some of my feelings and help me realize that I wasn't alone and it added some validity to those feelings.

I've gotten to know the infertility community pretty well in the passed couple years and one thing that is universally hard to deal with, is everyone else's "happily ever after".  Seeing friends posting their pregnancy announcements.  Seeing them post baby bump pictures.  Sharing every single detail.

It was hard for me to deal with sometimes.  Even when it was happening to someone who had the same struggles as me.  In my uncharitable moments I would think, "When will that be me?  When is it my turn?"

Don't get me wrong (because I know some of you don't know me that well).  I was super happy for my friends.  Over the moon in some cases.

But it was hard.  How couldn't it be hard?

I wasn't mad at them or angry or resentful.  I was genuinely happy for them and excited to meet their children and share that joy.  But I was a little sad for me.

Now that I'm pregnant, it is hard for me not to flood every social media with my every thought and feeling.

Yet, there is a nagging voice in the back of my head saying, "Don't over do it.  There are people out there who might be having a hard time with this."

I've decided that the safest place for these thoughts and feelings would be my blog.  Anyone who might be having a hard time with my pregnancy can skip over these entries and avoid all the baby creating madness and I can be unapologetically excited in my "condition".

On that note, 15 Weeks baby bump.
Week 15

1 comment:

  1. Woot Woot!! I say brag away!! you have earned that right! I wanna see your whole journey ( okay maybe not the birth) cuz i am so excited for you. I cant wait to read your birth story!!
