Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"I have two brains in me...."

"...and I've never felt stupider."

That was a quote from last weeks episode of Modern Family.  Right now one of the characters, Gloria, is pregnant and she has a horrible case of pregnancy brain.

I don't know whether it was because I was tired....or malnourished ..or just plain shut my brain off, but I scared myself in the grocery store the other day.

I was shopping for food with Aaron...which is rare lately because I've been so sick.  I was starting to feel low and dragging.  I wanted to speed up the trip.  Since we had already passed the aisle with the Boost and Ensure (I need them so that I can get nutrients in me at least once a day) I decided to go back to get it alone.  Aaron would go on shopping so that we could get done faster.

I walked over to the aisle and looked at pricing and picked the one I thought was best.  I grabbed my item and started walking to the check out.

In the time that I left Aaron and walked over to this other aisle, I completely and utterly FORGOT THAT I WAS IN THE STORE WITH AARON.

I walked to the check out.

It was then that I realized.....I DON'T HAVE MY WALLET.

Now I was irritated.  I would have to put this back and go back home to get my wallet.

Then I panicked....how would I get home?!  Aaron has the car!!

Thank goodness that it was then I remembered....I came WITH Aaron to the store!  Oh good...

I rushed around looking for Aaron (because it never came back to me that I left him in the frozen food aisle) and I was so relieved when I found him.

"I forgot you were in the store", I said before I could stop myself.

"What?  What do you mean?  We've been here for the last half hour."

Only then did I realize....I WAS SO BRAIN DEAD.  If I had run into a kind looking stranger....I could have been kidnapped.  I was literally SO SPACEY that I would have gone home with someone else if they just talked nice to me and sounded like they had a plan.

Or...less intensely, I could have paid for my purchase (had I been carrying my wallet) and walked home....and not even thought about Aaron until later.

I'll try and follow Claire's advice and try to actively keep my brain turned on.


  1. Sorry Honey it only gets worse! I say on a weekly basis to at least one person that my children eat my brain cells! I will stop in the middle of a sentence and completely forget what i was talking about! its awful... but anyways, welcome to motherhood!

  2. This is actually a real scientific thing. I can show you the research. It has a real reason, too. It is because during pregnancy your brain shifts from being primarily fact and book-knowledge based, to being emotion-knowledge and intuitive. It is so you can be the best mommy to your new little one. So you can communicate without words and you can feel more competent in your new role. It shifts slowly back after baby gets older, but it really is necessary in the beginning. :-)

    I got it really bad with this ast baby. I couldn't even carry on a coherent phone conversation for more than 2 months. And I fell in love with my baby...which is the whole point. :-) you are already the perfect mom for this little person. :-)
