Friday, July 6, 2012

Ohio: Discovery & Rediscovery

The wedding wasn't until 4pm on Saturday and so Aaron and I decided to meet up with Dyson and Greyson and find something fun to do.

We settled on going to Boonshoft Museum of Discovery!  Boonshoft is a children's museum that we thought would be a little more "kid friendly" than a history or art museum and it was!

Aaron and I were both very excited to cuddle with Charlotte some more.

I think one thing that I loved most about Charlotte was that she never cried when she was left alone with me. Which is good because I have no idea how to help a baby when they are crying in terror.

Speaking of babies!  Here are some tiny baby mice nursing!

If you look passed the adorable, you will see a huge why look passed such a cutie!?

Oh....this is gross.  Look away.

That is my hand on a case of Cave Cockroaches!!  Here is up close!

Here is something cute to off set the gross.  A tiny friendly lizard!

This is cuter.  A turtle trying to get around a branch.

Oh and here is the cutest!  Charlotte showing us how great she is on her legs!!  She pulled herself up onto a chair with a little coaxing.

After the mini zoo area, we headed for the children's play and discovery zone.  Love this tank!  It taught about dams and water control and power that can be generated.  It showed how to move a boat from a higher water level to a lower one and vice versa.  But mostly, Charlotte just liked playing in the water.

Look at her go!  Sensory/water tables are a favorite of children.  It was so cute watching her enjoy the museum even if it was in her own 10 month old kind of way.

Charlotte was a little small for climbing up three stories to the roof of the museum....but Dyson and I weren't!!  It was like old times in high school.  It was like rediscoverying what it was like in high school.  The fun we would have exploring and getting some physical work into our adventuring.

Meanwhile, Aaron stayed down stairs with Greyson and Charlotte playing with Aaron.  She really liked the wind in her face at the top of this.

She also enjoyed the fuzzies that were lifted up in the current.

Her dad thought that she could handle more breeze...I'm not sure she enjoyed that one as much.

Dyson got to hold a rainbow!

Aaron loved playing with his little "niece".  He thought that she was so cute looking around and exploring.

I look so sad in this picture but I was actually having fun with Dyson inside.

High school!!!!  It is crazy how much we have grown up and yet we are still crazy girls ready for adventure.

Greyson outside of the bubble with his Charlotte.

We headed up stairs to the tidal pool.  We got to touch sea creatures like star fish and sea cucumbers and other slimy things.  Charlotte didn't....since she might have stuck her hands in her mouth before washing them....which would have been nasty.

Trying out different jobs.  Plumber.



After awhile, I got really good at being a turtle.  You can barely tell that this is another picture of me.

Oh wait....that is from when we went into the zoo.

After the zoo, it was time to head back to Xenia since the wedding was in a matter of hours.  This is Aaron disapproving of being told he can't hold Charlotte while he drives.

We actually headed to a Steak and Shake for a bite to eat as a group.  At one point I realized how weird it was to be sitting across a table at a restaurant with Dyson again.  We did that so many times before in high school.  With different guys and different friends.  It was crazy to think that now we were sitting next to our husbands while her daughter munched on a french fry.  We never would have seen ourselves in a situation like that when we were in high school.  Never.  And yet....I think that our lives are better than we could have imagined them in high school.

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