Aaron got here Friday night and was followed quickly by Clarise and Geoff. I was so excited to see them! I hadn't gotten to hang out with Andy in awhile since he has been so busy. We all sat and talked and enjoyed each others company until Aaron and Clarise had to go to sleep. The rest of us wanted to run to get some Mexican food. So we ran down to Rancheritos. I don't think that we went to sleep until 2 in the morning.
The next day we all took our time waking up. It was Saturday after all. Luckily Clarise was ready with crepes for all of us! They were delicious and another reason to love her. Sitting around the kitchen table all together eating...it was a good moment.
We sat around for awhile surfing the internet, talking, and generally being friends. We decided after awhile that it was time to find food. Olive Garden has bottomless soup and salad for lunch and so that helped us decide! While we were sitting at Olive Garden, I was staring at Clarise's wonderful new hair and I started to really miss having short hair. Look how lovely she is! Wouldn't you love that hair.
I asked Clarise if she would hate me for copying her hair cut and she said no. We decided to drop the boys off at home after lunch and head to the salon to get it done. When we dropped the guys off, I grabbed my purse. Geoff said, "Where are you going?" "Ummm...to get my hair cut." "YOU ARE REALLY GOING TO DO THAT?!" Yeah, I'm pretty hardcore like that. Hair grows back.
It was great being with Clarise at the salon. I felt like I was back at BYU with my favorite room mate getting my hair did. It took awhile so I'm pretty sure Clarise got bored. When my hair was done, I was so excited! It was the hair that I wanted my Senior year of high school! I could finally faux hawk it!
The pointy style is going to take some time for Aaron to get used to but so far he likes it. When we got home, Clarise and I took some pictures of our matching hair. Not a whole lot of them turned out since it was the middle of the night in our green painted room.
After pictures, the boys all wanted to go and see a movie at the dollar theater. We picked The Muppet Movie. It was the only one that we could agree on. It was HILARIOUS!!!!!! We were laughing so loud in the theatre. Seriously, I was scared that we were going to get kicked out or at least talked sternly to by some other patrons. It was as funny as a Muppet movie always is. We were all in a very good mood when we left the theatre and I really want to get that movie. GO SEE IT!
We headed to Winco afterwards to make sure that we had enough food in the house for the rest of the weekend. We had fun at the Winco since it was like a scavenger hunt most of the time. I had no idea where to find anything and so that's what I was feeling it was like.
When we finally got home that night, Aaron and I quickly planned our lesson for Primary the next day and we went to bed.
At 4 am, I woke up scream/crying in pain. I was passing a kidney stone and it was the worst pain I've ever experienced. I was praying and begging for it to stop for about 15 horrible minutes. I couldn't catch my breath and poor Aaron could only rub my back and ask if he could do anything to help. I had him run and get me some pain killers so that I could go back to sleep. It worked but I could still feel the pain throbbing and moving through me.
When I woke up, Aaron asked if I could come to church. I was still in pain but I helped him get things ready for our lesson. The poor man had to take care of all of the boys in our class by himself. But I'm sure that Aaron did a great job.
I had to wait for other people to wake up in the house before I started moving around. Or, I had to wait for people to come out of their rooms. We took Sunday morning almost as slow as Saturday which was good for me. I wasn't really wasn't feeling up to doing much.
When Aaron got home we had Andy's amazing enchiladas. They really hit the spot and we started playing some board games. We played Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride. Good times.
It was a beautiful day and we didn't want to stay inside all day.
While Andy went to take a nap, Geoff, Clarise and I took Pippen and Bambi to the park to run around. They loved it. Or at least Clarise and Geoffrey did.
It felt good to be out enjoying the weather. Geoff threw ice chunks for Pippen to chase and eat. Clarise and Geoff wrestled in the snow a little bit. Fun was had by all.
After that we went home and eventually watched Midnight in Paris. It was a pretty good movie.
This post is going on forever!! Okay, Monday, we played games, ate some good food and everyone went home. The end.
I love having my friends spend the weekend with us!! They are the best and they make my life so great. But it is always nice at the end of a weekend, to just have my husband snuggling me to sleep.