Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween!!


Most of you know (because I talk about myself all the time) that I haven't been feeling great this pregnancy.  Well, Aaron hasn't been feeling great either (he's asked me not to tell people his business so you'll have to ask him about that if you want to know).  We're still moving all of our stuff in and everything has been a wee bit stressful.

BUT, it is HALLOWEEN!!  One of the best holidays of the year!!  It is a holiday that I want to share the love of with my children and so I knew that I had to get off of my sick and tired bottom and get Zach a costume.  I asked people on Facebook what would be the easiest thing to go and people had tons of cute suggestions.

I chose to do a pirate because every child needs pirate clothes.  I bought $1 brown pants and cut them raggity (I might sew a felt "patch" on once I find some fleece...because he's going to wear these all the time) and a striped red and white shirt.  Plus mustache and bandanna and he was ready to go.

Since he is a little young for candy and trick-or-treating, we went to a Church party with a trunk-or-treat on the 29th.  Aaron couldn't make it, because of aforementioned "none of your business".  I wore my pumpkin costume.  This was the only picture of the two of us.

Dang, that was AFTER living in Vegas all summer.  Try to think about how white I was in Utah!

Zach thought that the purpose of Halloween was to run around dressed like a pirate and pick up trash.  To each his own.  I'm not going to discourage running around dressed like a pirate.

Since it was really dark on the 29th by the time I got Zach into his costume, I thought that I would dress him up on Halloween and take better pictures of him.  The only outdoor place that I could get good lighting and also not have a run away was our patio.

It was tricky to keep the bandanna on him.

He colors 90% of the time with his left hand. Do with that information what you will.  He's grandma on his mom's side is left handed and his grandpa on his dad's side is left handed.  Grandparents on both sides makes it more likely is neither here nor there...but something I would note in case I want to remember.

This is Pippen hiding.  Want to know why?

Pippen is actually still pink from this experience.  Zach realized that he could color on the white dog with great results.

Good job, Zach.  Now make sure to get the chalk good and rubbed into the fur.  Excellent.

They both just sat there for awhile.  Just hanging out while I took pictures.

Zach tasted the chalk.  This was his critique of its flavour.  Thank you Crayola, for being non-toxic.

 Aaron came home and told me that he wanted to go to a trunk-or-treat with my cousins.  He felt bad that he didn't make it to Zach's first Halloween on Wednesday and wanted to do SOMETHING to celebrate the holiday.

Then he went to physical therapy.  So Zach and I took pictures with my phone (for immediate grandparent gratification and happiness) and pass out candy to early coming trick-or-treaters.  We had one adorable bumblebee come by with her dad.  She was about a year older than Zach and Zach LOVED putting candy into her bag.  He even wanted to follow after them.

Giving me back the bandanna.  Of course.  We did this game all night.

When dad got home, we headed off to my cousins' for their trunk-or-treat.  I didn't get any pictures but Zach, once again, had tons of fun running around in the street.  He didn't know what kids were doing outside but he was loving running around with them.

So, for Zach's technically second Halloween but first that he could move around, it was pretty fun.  I'm glad we didn't drop the ball because I want Halloween to be a family favorite for years and years and years.


  1. Cutest pirate! I'm sorry to hear that Aaron's been under the weather. Prayers go out to your family! I'll be sure to pass the info on to Ray so that he can send his love. And thanks for always blogging! It's so nice to feel like I can at least kind of keep in touch with your guys' life.

  2. Thank you so much for this comment, Ashley. It actually means A LOT to me. I like to force my friendship on people that I want to be friends with, whether they like it or not. And I totally think that you and Ray are some awesome classy people that I want to force to be my friends.
    So, it probably makes me happier than is normal that you care enough to keep in touch with our lives. Thank you so much for you comment and keeping us in your prayers.
