Wednesday, February 19, 2014

If You Give A Mom A Muffin

I haven't written a blog post in FOREVER!!!  Seriously, I'm so grossly behind that I don't even know what to do with myself.  Losing all those pictures and videos from my old phone really messed with my mind.  I'm still so sad about it but I just figured out a way to back up my pictures and it is, oddly enough, using Google+. Who would have thought?

Anyway, I wanted to write about last week when I had some Activity Day friends over at my house!  These sweet girls have a school teacher for a mom who was having a full week of afternoons at parent/teacher conferences and so she asked if I would play with her daughters for a day this week.  I was a little nervous with what I would do with these girls for a whole afternoon!  I mean....WHAT IF I WAS BORING?!?  I would be mortified.

My little buddy and I waited at the door so that the girls would see us on their way home and remember which house was mine.


They came in and started working on their homework first (because I'm a responsible adult!) and they quickly finished.  Then they asked if they could work on their friendship bracelets from Activity Days, which was perfect because I was thinking the same thing!  We talked about different things while they worked.  The oldest girl said that she wanted to be a pastry chef when she grew up.  I asked her what she wanted to learn how to make next and she said, "Crepes!"

That sounded like something that was do-able.  So I told her, "Yeah, once Zach goes down for a nap, we can make crepes!"  He went down for a nap and we found a recipe.....unfortunately it called for milk...which was something that I had run out of that morning.

The girls were disappointed so I pulled out some cookbooks and said, "Find something in here that doesn't need milk and let's see if we can make it."

They found, "Nut Torte"....which was something that I had ever heard of or had the desire to make....but it didn't need milk and I had all of the ingredient....which were my only two stipulations and so we began in earnest!

As you will see, the girls did most of the work.  I think the only thing that I touched was grating an orange...and that was just because it was so small and soft that I was scared the girls would grate their knuckles.

I learned that a "torte" has little to no flour and is instead made with nuts or breadcrumbs.  By "little" flour it means like 2 table spoons of flour and 2 1/2 CUPS of yeah...very little flour.  We had to add almonds since I didn't have enough walnuts in the house....and it turns out that almonds are VERY hard to hand words for you if you are going to use them; food processor.


Also, it turns out that I don't have ANY round cake pans.  I remember selling them because I didn't make enough cake to have a reason to keep them.  Oops.  So we decided to make mini tortes.


I also didn't have what we needed to make the frosting and so luckily, I had some cream cheese frosting from something else left over.  We decided to have orange (since there was a hint of orange peel in the recipe) and white frosting.

It came out a beautiful sunset orange/pink.


When the tortes came out of the oven, I flipped them over so that they were less like cupcakes and more like little personal cakes.  And luckily, I have decorating tips and bags from days gone by so they girls got to use those.  I showed them a couple tricks that I knew from my Wilton Cake Decorating Class days.

Didn't they turn out amazing?!  These girls have some skills!





While they were decorating, I thought, "These would be so fun to have at a dainty little tea party!"  And so I got out a tea pot and some tea cups and started warming up some water for some hot cocoa!!


This was my favorite personal creation.

We put on some Disney princess music and tried to eat and behave like princesses...while singing the songs at the top of our lungs.....and that is how Aaron found us when he got home.



It was a great afternoon and not a bit boring!  I love how one thing just lead to another and we ended up doing something fun, making something that I'd never made before and got some great memories with these wonderful girls.

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