Sunday, February 23, 2014

Early Spring Sunday

It has been so warm in Utah this winter (you know...relatively speaking) and I feel bad for people in the East coast who are having to deal with this crazy "polar vortex" because over in Utah, we are like, "Bring out the tanning lotion!"  At least, that's how I was feeling today.

Aaron had to finish up some projects for his calling and that required being outside today.  He asked Zach and I if we wanted to go outside too and, of course, we did!

Okay, watch this...when Zach is just sitting around...he looks like this:


When I wave at him and say his name, he looks like this:

He has a HUGE crush on me.  And I LOVE IT!  I'm eating it up while I can because someday he is going to be like, "Mom?  Ewwwwwwwwww!"

I wanted Zach to be able to have some freedom outside but we have concert and mud at the moment.  So I set up his play mat.  Last time he used this, it was when he was starting to enjoy tummy time and so I set up a three by three area for him to have tummy time outside.




He saw me taking pictures and crawled over to me.


Pretty soon he decided that he wanted to do some outdoor exploring.  He found some mud and decided to do some digging.

I got a little container of water thinking that he might like to play with his hands in it...but he immediately dumped it out to make better mud.



His dad got a little irritated about the dirty pants and dirty baby.  Zach's mom doesn't care as much about these things.

Once again....Zach just sitting and chilling.


When he sees mom and hears her say his name!

In closing, I can't WAIT for summer time.  I'm so excited to put in some grass and enjoy our yard this summer!  It is going to be awesome.  Everything is better with a kid to share it with!

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