Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Honorary Scout

This wasn't his first time going to scouts, but it was the time that I took the most pictures of him at scouts.  The first time, I also didn't get any pictures on my phone...just Aaron's.  I sent it to Grandparents so at least they got to see.

Since Aaron and I are in Webelos scouts, our little man gets to come too.  We were working outside today and we thought that it would be a perfect time for Zach to get some Vitamin D.  It looks like he enjoyed soaking up some sun.

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Can you guess what we were working on with the scouts?  Guess....I dare you...guess...
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It was knots!  I can't believe that you didn't guess that!!  (Oh...check out the ghetto sewn on patch job on Aaron's numbers...yeah...I did that myself.  We've taken the off and used a fabric adhesive.)
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We put the boys to work making a dining fly for us.  They liked to joke that it was because Aaron and I didn't have anywhere to live anymore.
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When we put the tarp on, we needed someone to hold up the other end of the rope.  We used to have a tree that was next to a light pole that we would use...but alas, it was cut down because its roots were going into the pipes.
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Once Mr. Man woke up, he wanted to know why he wasn't being I had to hop on that and walk him around. (And at that moment, the hospital called and wanted to give me a survey for my opinion on how surgery went.)  So I wondered a ways from the boys so I could walk little man back to sleep and talk.
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When I got back, the dining fly was up and Aaron was telling them WHAT'S WHAT!!  Just kidding, he was talking to them about the different knots and other ways to use them and other shelters they can build while camping.  

And I told them about the night when my brother, as a Boy Scout, had to sleep in the dining fly with the fire going because it had started to rain freezing cold and he needed a warmer, dryer place to be.
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I'm so excited for Mr. Man to be old enough to be in scouts.  We are going to have so much fun with him camping and exploring and hiking and earning beads and activity pins.  Until then, we will live vicariously through other people's children.

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