I haven't flown on a plane by myself in 5 years. I don't really like it. I LOVE to have a friend with me to hang out, but I guess Markus' is worth it.
Daniel picked me up from the airport and we got to hang out for a couple hours in traffic. When we got home, there were hugs all around and dinner. Immediately my mother informed me that we were going to the fabric store. Yup...I was home.
I stayed up late that night talking to my mom and watching, "The Hatfields and the McCoys" on the history channel. I love talking to my mom. Then I talked with Aaron for as long as he could stay up. When he went to sleep I went to the game room where my brother's were watching "Call of the Wildman". Oh my goodness....the man on that show is INSANE. LIVE ACTION!
We stayed up till 2am talking and watching shows. Funny thing is, even though we were watching TV, we were talking as much as we were watching.
Thursday Markus didn't have school and so we got to hang out when we finally woke up. There was a thunder storm and while we were taking our showers (same time, different bathrooms....to be clear), this crazy close thunder clap happened and it scared us so bad. Apparently there was a TORNADO WARNING while we were in the shower!
Quote from my mom when we got out of the shower, "Yeah, there was a tornado warning but I didn't think that you guys would want to run naked and wet with me into the laundry room so I just ignored it."
When the storm stopped, Markus and I went to Target to get cards, food, and a bathing suit for me. We were going to a party and we didn't know if there was going to be swimming.
The party was for Markus' girlfriend's graduation. I had a good time socializing even though I didn't know anyone, except my family, there. I got to meet some of Markus' friends and talk with them. My dad got some pictures but I didn't. Sorry. Only little kids were swimming so I didn't get to wear my new swimsuit.
I stayed up late again talking to my mom. We never seem to run out of things to say. My father would probably agree with that statement. Then I stayed up with my brothers again. Markus was asleep on the futon in the game room but Daniel and I stayed up till about 2 again.
Friday started all kinds of weird. At 8 in the morning Daniel came into my bedroom (yeah, I say "My" because in the last 6 months, I've slept in it the most) looking for his wallet. He had given it to me the night before to hold onto but I gave it back. Anyway, he was in my room for about 5 minutes trying to find it and taking everything out of my purse. It was pretty funny...it was weird because it made me feel like I had never stopped living with these people.
My dad stayed home from work on Friday so that he could spend time with me so at 10am, he came into the room to check on me and see if I was ready to wake up. We talked for about 5 minutes before I decided that it was probably time to get out of bed and hang out with people.
When Markus' got up, we went to take his Senior pictures. I'm going to have to warn you, these are some of the pictures that I took and Markus is a total heart throb.
I actually can't wait to take pictures of him again. We had so much fun and I got so many great pictures thanks to his good looks and relaxed manner. I love this boy so much!!
Besides my husband and my dad, my brothers are seriously, the best guys that I've ever met. If you want to meet 4 kind, generous, valiant men, I highly recommend that meet my family. Only one of them is available right now though....and he is about to go on a mission. Sorry ladies.
Anyway, after that, Markus hurried off to graduation. And by that I mean, he looked at all the pictures that I took and then went upstairs to nap. Then at the last possible moment, he left for graduation.
We left once Daniel got home from work and made our way over to the event center. At one point, my dad and mom were ahead of us and tons of people started getting in front of Daniel and I. My mom came back to where we were. I thought that she was coming back to get us or so that she didn't lose us. NOPE.
She came back to tell us that there was a 16-20 year old girl with the bottom of her short skirt tucked into her underpants. She didn't want us to miss it. Real mature mom. Don't worry, someone told the girl and she fixed it.
We found good seats where we could stare at Markus the whole time. It was either that or the other side of the building where we would have been lucky to see the back of his head.
Anyway, seeing Markus graduate was amazing. I was so proud of him! He graduated with honors. He would have gotten an extra cord if he had turned in his service hours. If you do 60+ hours of community service in the 4 years of high school, you get an extra cord. Markus did 400+ but didn't turn in the paper work because, "It isn't volunteering if you get something for it." Yeah...that is the kind of guy we're talking about.
The girl standing next to him talked the whole time while the other students were filing in. Seriously...she wouldn't stop talking...we were laughing watching it happen.
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(Check out the guy behind Markus to the left...what is happening to him?) |
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The famous Anderson smirk. |
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Markus must have farted....or something. |
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Going his hand dance. |
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About to announce his name! Markus Christian Anderson! |
Probably the best part of graduation is when you get to throw the hat. Here is a little "Where's Waldo" for you...except "Waldo" is dressed like everyone else.
I'm so proud of Markus and I can't believe that we are all old enough to be out of high school. It is craziness. I've been graduated for 5 years now. Now all my parents have to do is get those boys out of the house!!
Friday was a great day for our family! I'll have to fill you in on the rest of the trip in another post. I think this one is long enough. Don't you?
Anyway, congratulations Markus!! I love you and I can't wait to get frequent visits from you while you are up at BYU-I.
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